Chapter 5: Rumble in the ring

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Beowulf entered his signature wrestling mode as Y/n used his teleportation powers to quickly speed to the  arena.

'Teleportation ?' Beowulf thought. 'That's gonna be tricky to fight against.'

Y/n grimaced at the thought of fighting someone with such a pure heart but sacrifices must be made to accomplish revenge.

"I don't wish to prolong this fight any further and I certainly don't want to hurt you as much as you think I do" Y/n said matter of factly .

Beowulf and his fan's eyes slightly widened. Did they hear that right ? The skullboy didn't want to hurt anybody ?

Y/n's eyes burned (Literally) with determination. "But I will say this." Y/n said 

"If you manage to hurt me with a single punch,  I'll leave. However, fail and I will make sure you spend the rest of the week in a body cast."

Beowulf  stared at his opponent. Like he said, Y/n had not attacked, instead waiting for the wrestler to throw the first punch.

The wolf pelt wrestler ran at the rider hoping to aim a strong punch to the face. He backed up his elbow and slammed his fist down at Ghost Rider's head.

It was such a powerful  hit that a cloud of dust appeared shielding the aftermath.Did the skullboy just been  defeated by the god of wrestling ?

The cloud  finally clears away as everyone sees Beowulf's fist connecting to Y/n's skull. However the spirit of vengeance was not fazed in the slightest.

Hell not even a crack was visible from that powerful punch.

The ghost rider merely said one word as Beowulf looked on in fear. "Yawn."

Before he could even blink, Beowulf was launched in the air by Y/n's powerful kick.

Spectators watched as the massive man flew through the air practically unconscious

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Spectators watched as the massive man flew through the air practically unconscious. His body fell into the ring, twitching.

Everyone was wide eyed, the Skullboy had just one shot Beowulf like the wrestling god was nothing.

Y/n moved to the border of the ring, attempting to leave and hopefully find Double.

As he was about to leave, he heard loud footsteps running behind him. He looks just in time for the now conscious Beowulf to grab Y/n from behind.

 Before Y/n could even comprehend what was going to happen, the wrestler suplexed Y/n into the ground so hard the Ghost rider's skull penetrated the ring's floor.

The crowd cheered as they saw their hero wasn't defeated. He bathed in the glory pumping his fist into the air.

However that pre-mature celebration caused him to get socked in the cheek by Y/n's powerful fist.

Y/n kneed the wrestler in the chest making the man double over in pain. However he used the pain to his advantage as Beowulf headbutted Y/n in the nose.

All out of mercy (Skullgirls Harem x male ghost rider reader)Where stories live. Discover now