The Mark Of The Wolf-Man - Part 2

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As night turned into morning, Gwen Stacy stretched her tired limbs and gave out a small yawn, as she got up from bed and slipped on a dressing gown, before making her way over to the kitchen to get herself some coffee on the go. She felt considerably refreshed after a good night's sleep and her whole mood felt just a bit brighter than before. She was just opening the cupboard to sort out some cereal for breakfast, when her phone started buzzing, the name on the screen saying 'BETTY BRANT'.

"Hmm, I wonder what Betty wants so early in the morning," mused Gwen, as she picked up the phone and answered. "Hello, Betty, what's up?"

As she heard the hurried, almost breathless, answer on the phone, Gwen's eyes widened with shock, her good mood immediately deflated and replaced by one of concern. "What? You're not kidding? A were-wolf? But what about Mr Jameson...? Okay, just stay put, I'll meet you at the hospital as soon as possible."

Ending the call with a sharp jab of her finger, Gwen hastily gathered her stuff, changed into her Spider-Woman outfit, and leapt out through her apartment window. Firing out a series of lines from the web-shooters, Spider-Woman swung across the city as fast as she could, her thoughts racing with the news that Betty had just told her. Once before, Gwen might have been dismissive of the very idea of a real-life were-wolf existing, but she had had some experiences during an expedition to the Savage Land some months ago that had taught her that strange monsters do indeed exist, both on this world and beyond. As fantastic as Betty's story sounded, Gwen was perfectly willing to believe it.

As Spider-Woman caught sight of Memorial Hospital, she landed in a nearby and deserted alleyway, where she changed back into her civilian identity of Gwen Stacy, before she made her way through the sliding doors of the hospital and headed over to the waiting room, where Betty Brant and Ned Leeds were sitting, while Joseph Robertson was in the corner, talking to a police detective.

"Thanks for getting here so quickly, Ms Stacy," said Ned, after Gwen came over to join them. "We figured you'd want to be informed of this, since Jonah was an associate of your Dad's."

"I do appreciate you're calling me, Mr Leeds," said Gwen somberly. "Have the doctors said anything more about Mr Jameson's condition?"

"It's touch and go, Gwen," replied Betty, drying her eyes with a handkerchief. "But the doctor says he has a chance, and the police have posted guards, in case this monster attacks again. Mr Robertson's just giving some details to the detective in charge of the investigation over there."

Gwen glanced over to the attractive detective in the hat and trench-coat, and her eyes widened in surprise as she recognised the woman.

"Jean DeWolff! Great to see you," said Gwen, as she crossed over to the police detective who had worked so closely with her father back before he retired from the force.

"Jean DeWolff! Great to see you," said Gwen, as she crossed over to the police detective who had worked so closely with her father back before he retired from the force

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"Gwen Stacy! Been a while since I last saw you," grinned Captain Jean DeWolff. "I guess Mr Leeds and Ms Brant have been telling you about this wacko who attacked Mr Jameson last night."

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