Chapter One : Eve

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Chapter one :

It was a Sunday night and Eve had decided to go out. After her friends had made her realise that she didn't do that so often. She'd argued but they just laughed saying something in the lines of "not as often as you should" and "have you seen yourself?".

So tonight, just a couple hours ago, she'd wondered if maybe her friends had a point. And so she decided to go to a bar, although alone it was a start.

She didn't have to worry much about where to go, there was a bar just around the corner from where she lived.

She'd never liked that bar, too many old men in there. Every night she'd watch from her balcony as men -or even women walked out of there with teens, teens for fucks sake. Taking advantage of any kid they could get their hands on.

But it'd have to do for now.
It was already pretty late, she had work tomorrow and there wasn't any time for googling "super ethical and legal bars in my area without weirdos in them". She just hoped that their bartender wasn't as pathetic as their costumers.

That was 2 hours ago. She got all dolled up to go to a weird little bar all alone. She must admit it was quite strange, now that she was thinking about it.

She arrived at the bar 1 hour ago. And she'd done nothing but sit there bored out of her mind and drinking whatever she could think of.

The bar was exactly what she'd expected. Cheap liquor, uncomfortable and rusted bar stools that she was now sitting on and a lot of disgusting men. But she did her best to ignore their presence.

As she played around with the straw in her empty mojito class, mixing the melted ice around with some mint leaves, she noticed a boy walk in. Yes a boy, he didn't look a day after 18. She hadn't seen him enter or leave the bar before, in fact- she hadn't even seen him around the city or anywhere else.

'Weird' she thought, continuing to play with her finished drink, keeping herself from staring at the boy.

He sat beside her, she didn't turn to look at him again. But from the corner of her eye she noticed the boy's curly hair covering most of his face and his teeth shining brightly as he smiled at the bartender.

"You must be new" said the bartender "I'd have remembered a pretty face like yours." He added, returning the smile.

But it was different. The boy's smile was pure, gentle, genuine.
The bartender's was fake, cruel and only hid perverted thoughts behind it.

"Thank you, and yes you're right. I just moved actually"
"Thought I might spend my first night here having a bit of fun" the boy replied, still smiling.

'Just how naive can someone be?' She wished she could say that out loud.

"Well sweatheart, if your idea of fun is alcohol, I'll have to see some id. Don't want any cops in here this late at night" Yes because the only think they care about is business, not what happens to those who drink too much, those who wake up in stranger's houses not remembering how they got there.

You're out of the bar, you're not their responsibility anymore. But they can't have their precious little business shut down. It's really the only reason the bartender asked to see the boy's id.

"Sure thing" the boy handed him id to the man infront of him. Thought turned, Eve could make out the name Luther and the date 1999. It didn't matter, it was probably fake anyway.

The boy, 'Luther' apparently, ordered some kind of cocktail and waited while figeting with his id.

When the bartender gave him his very colorful drink he asked "Now, you sure you're just here to have fun? D'you wanna get sum off your chest maybe?" Eve cringed at that.

She never liked making conversation with strangers, let alone hear other people have them. Too awkward for her liking. She listened anyway, maybe because she didn't have anything better to do.

"Yeah no I'm great, just wanna have fun tonight" But the boy seemed nervous saying that. 'Probably a lie' Eve though.

"Girl problems?" But the boy didn't answer, "Boy problems then? Huh sweat thing?" The boy's smile dropped at that.

Ugh, for Eve, this was like watching a very long boring movie. She thought how strange it is when others couldn't read people, at least see the discomfort in them.

The boys eyes stuck to the floor as he answered.

"No, not- it's nothing like that really. "

'Definitely a lie' now Eve was sure of it.

"'kay then, if you decide you wanna chat you know where to find me" the bartender gave the boy a wink and went off to have similar small talk with other costumers.

Eve watched carefully as the boy began to drink his ridiculous looking beverage. But then he turned his head and made eye contact with her.


So much for keeping herself from staring.

"Hello there" the boy smiled again, exactly how he'd done with that bartender, and tilted his head slightly in a friendly way.

"Hello" She answered in a cold tone and turned to look at the soup of a drink she'd created earlier.

"What's your deal? You've been sitting there silently and mysteriously all night" he giggled.

No, what's his deal? Why was he talking to her in the first place?

Was he- no. No way he was trying to hit on her.

"Listen, i don't know what you think you're doing but I'm no perv,
jeez i don't even come to bars." Then what was she doing here tonight? She didn't know the answer to that.

She touched the bridge of her nose and shut her eyes.

"Woah lady who said anything about pervs? Just trying to make conversation here" Well now she was annoyed. Did he really think he'd get anything out of this? He was clearly umature and she was clearly not interested.

But also she wasn't about to take advantage of this kid.

"Just how many lies are you going to say in one night hm?" She's had enough.

"What? No I-"

Letting out a sigh "This was a waste of my time" she got up to leave.

"Wait- I didn't even catch your name" this boy.

"Ugh.." she almost rolled her eyes.


She turned, her back now facing him.


"Pretty name for a pretty lady then." She heard him say. It only annoyed her more.

"Mine's Luthe-"

She was already out the door. Listening as it swinged behind her. She headed home.

She fell asleep sure that she would never see the boy again.

But she wouldn't have been more wrong.

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