Chapter five : Eve

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She'd kissed a lot of people in her life, men, even women a couple of times, but none of them could compare to this.

It was soft, gentle yet
intence and exciting.

It was wrong
but so, so good.

Her hands let go off his shoulders and went right to his jaw, that sharp jawline that made her feel more than she should.

She rubbed his face and kissed him until they were both catching their breath.

He kissed her too.

She grabbed a handful of his hair, tugging it lightly to hold him still.

And when they both finally pulled back she could see his flushed cheeks and bruised lips, because they were a darker shade now.

She'd done that.

His perfect shaped lips, his perfect shaped everything.

He looked like a doll.

"Y'look like a doll." She admitted without thinking.

"Just so-"





She whispered to him between kisses.

They only thing on her mind was him, the only thing she felt was his lips and the only sound she could hear was his lips crushing with hers - letting go - and repeat.

They were like magnets, strong ones, nothing could pull them apart.

So she did.

She let go of him, pet his hair a little and then placed a kiss on his cheek. It was a silly act.

'oh I'm drunk.'
He must've noticed it by now.

He had lipstick smeared all around his lips, she probably did too. It suited him.

God knows how long they'd been doing this.

Time was a blur but his break was definitely over now.

He'd said it almost was earlier


He'd also said something about tomorrow.


Right, therapy, she was his therapist.






Realisation hit her like a brick.
"Shit, Luther we shouldn't-"
She sucked in a breath and wipped her lips, as if that would erase anything.
"We shouldn't be doing this."

Panic washed over her, she laughed hysterically.

"Shit, fuck, SHIT Luther why didn't you stop me? Why did you let me do this?"

"It's fine Eve, I liked it, it's okay"

"No it's not fucking okay! Nothing about this is okay! This is wrong, this is so wrong."

She ran her fingers through her hair, now frustrated by herself.

"But you made a move, I thought- I thought you wanted this.."

Wanted this? Yes of course she'd wanted this, desperately, but that didn't mean she was actually willing to do it.

She stood up.

"What I want doesn't MATTER Luther, why can't you see that?"

She didn't want to hear it.

"I can't fucking believe you!"
She was mad, maybe it was the heat of the moment but he started to get mad too.

"Don't act like this is my fault."
He shook his head
"You made your decisions and I went along with it. Don't you dare regret them now."

There he is! There's annoying Luther she'd first met.

"I'm leaving."
How'd he like that decision?
He surely looked like he didn't.

He chased after her to the door "We can talk about this, Eve please"

Her name sounded sweet on his lips but the memory of their taste was bitter.

"You come and talk to me when you can make your own decision Luther."

He scoffed at that and she left him standing there dumbfounded.

She walked home, replaying the whole night in her head.

It'd all started with Holly,
she had appointments two times every week, on Mondays and Fridays.

She was a handful, she got depressive episodes every once in awhile, they were bad and she refused to take her pills.

Tonight, Eve had tried to find a way to help her, but it was no use. She'd done so much research but in the end she'd found out nothing.

She needed a drink.

Bad idea.

That's how she'd ended up here.

Now, Eve cried herself to sleep quietly. She'd really screwed up this time,
and it pained her.

She woke up tired, but went to work anyway after taking a bunch of painkillers, she knew better than to wait until a headache started to take them, it was guaranteed.

And on exactly 10 o'clock she heard the doorbell ring. For the first time in weeks, he wasn't late.

She answered the door and opened it widely, letting him in.

They didn't exchange a single word until they were both sat.

As always, she spoke first.
"You shouldn't have come here, Luther, this has to stop."

He looked pale.

"Why?" "Can't we just move on? Pretend like nothing happened?"
His voice had lost it's joyful tone.

"No, I'm sorry but we can't. You're my client and I'm your therapist, nothing more. So this can't go on if we have...
feelings for eachother." "I hope you understand."

His eyes widened.
"No -no Eve, I can't lose another therapist because of this, please, not again."

Well, that explained things.
But she wanted to hear it from him.

"What do you mean 'again', Luther?"

And he actually answered truthfully this time.

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