Chapter fifteen : Eve

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She didn't realise it, but she'd started to drift off a little herself. That is until Luther's voice woke her up.

"I feel so surrounded by you, Eve."

It worried her. "Oh I'm sorry, are you overwhelmed?-"

Her eyes open now, looking over at Luther, who was staring up at the ceiling.

She got in that same position. Staring at his white-ish, slowly peeling away, ceiling.

"Not it's.. This is perfect, Eve"

From the corner of her eye she saw him turn, probably looking at her.

"You're perfect."

She couldn't return his gaze. "I'm really not."

He sat up, the bed shifted. "Why do you think that?"

Eve turned too, in a sassy and playful way. "Oh don't you try and therapize me now." "That's not your job."

He didn't flinch or laugh, just gave her a sad smile. "Well it's not yours either, not when you're here."

She didn't know what to say to that, her eyes back on the ceiling, frowning and shaking her head at nothing.

He reached over, tucking a couple strands of hair behind her ear.

He laid a weightless hand on her cheak "Eve why do you think that?" he repeated.

She sighed, a lump forming in her throat. "Nobody's perfect, Luther, nothing is perfect. You can't just blur out things you don't mean."

She took hold of his hand and laid it on her chest, still holding onto it and still not looking at him.

"But I do mean it." She didn't respond. "Gosh, Eve, you don't need to get all philosophical whenever you want to avoid talking about something."

He brought their connected hands to his mouth once.

"If you don't want to believe me
. . . I guess I'll just have to show you-"

He let go of her hand and began leaving kisses on her jawline "-just" he whispered "how perfect you are to me."

He pushed the duvet off them both and opended her legs with low effort.

Luther placed himself between her legs and playfully kissed her inner thigh.

When he looked up at her, batting his lashes as he stared, Eve didn't think she'd ever before seen a view as beautiful (and turning on) as this one.

Inch by inch he moved closer to her entrance, leaving behind tiny hickeys that'd remind her of these moments later.

Finally, his mouth touched her and she let out sounds she'd never heard herself make before.

For minutes, his tongue licked her sharply and fast as she moaned, drowning out his own little muffles.

She was grabbing his hair at one point, fingers digging into his scalp and messing up his hair. He went faster at that, so she kept her hands there.

She came after some long lasting moments.

When Luther looked up at her his face was some shade of dull red with her wetness smeared all over it.

"Shit- sorry." she said, and offered him a tissue from the drawer next to her.

"It's fine" he replied with a lazy smile on his face, wiping it generously with the tissue.

They shared a kiss and Eve suggested they took a much needed bath, he agreed.

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