Urges to Boundaries

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SORRY i haven't uploaded in a while for those of u who read which i wouldn't know because ppl have yet to comment, but it's gud i do it for fun. Read comment if u like then vote if you dont like then comment telling me to fix it, if not then just enjoy :D

                   They sat watching the movie, and Kelly always laughed at the parts where Kyle flinched at. When the movie was over Kelly applauded loudly and did unnecessary whooping noises.

“Really?” Kyle asked her.

“What I love that movie,” Kelly said getting up and heading for the door. “Oh I have school tomorrow, so if you want to do something then we might as well get it planned today.”

“Sure, umm, I could take you out to lunch,” Kyle said.

“Great I’ll text you the time,” Kelly said walking into the dining room and stood there for about a minute.

“Kelly,” Kyle called.

“Yep,” Kelly said turning around.

“Oh you were just standing there, so I thought something went wrong,” Kyle said sitting on the couch.

“Oh, no it’s nothing,” Kelly said blowing it off and sat next to him on the couch. She pushed a button on the arm of the chair and a drawer from under the seat a drawer popped out showing an iPad, laptop and a binder.

“What’s all that?” Kyle asked.

“Homework,” Kelly replied laughing.

“Oh yeah I totally forgot you were still in school, you’re so mature,” Kyle said smiling.

“Not really,” Kelly said pulling out a piece of paper.

“You want me to help you?” Kyle asked.

“If you want it’s probably just going to bore you,” Kelly said moving over to Kyle.

“Okay so what are you worse at?”Kyle asked smiling and draping his arm over her shoulder.

“Spanish,” Kelly said pulling out her homework.

“Oh this is easy, forgive me I might be a little rusty,” Kyle said looking down at the paper, but caught a glimpse of Kelly’s chest.

“Homework’s here,” Kelly said putting her paper on top of her chest.

“Yeah sorry,” Kyle said smiling pulling the paper down from her hands.

“And last I remember your Spanish isn’t that bad,” Kelly said getting closer to him to look at her paper.

“How do you say?” Kyle asked.

“You said singer a while back,” Kelly said.

“Well the first one is asking who you shop with,” Kyle translated.

“Yo compro con mi madre,” Kelly said smiling and writing the paper down on Kyle’s lap.

“Kelly we need to talk,” Kyle said looking at Kelly.

“Oh I’m sorry, I won’t do that or anything like that again,” Kelly said looking down she looked rejected somewhat.

“It’s nothing like that it’s just that I kinda want to start a relationship,” Kyle said.

“Who’s the lucky girl?” Kelly asked writing down the answer to the last question. Kyle waited for her to finish to pull her face up to look at her. DING. DONG.

“Saved by the bell huh?” Kelly asked smiling and getting up to answer the door. “Oh dear lord.”

“Kelly,” Yazmine and Jack said jumping on Kelly smiling. Jack was a blue dragon the size of Kelly licking one side of her face, and Yazmine was kissing the other side of her face.

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