The Wedding

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Kelly’s POV:


            It’s been six months since my little incident with Kyle at Leo’s house and I was a lot better with everything from controlling my powers and being less stressed. Today I was going to sing at my best friends’ double wedding and I was a little nervous because I got inspiration from the song from Kyle when we went on our date a while back. We went out to a carnival that was in town and he thought it would be fun to rent it out for the entire day for the two of us. It was a fun day and we ended it off with a cliché ride on the Ferris wheel. When we were on the Ferris wheel it was very I don’t know intense, it was one instance where I caught myself staring at him too long but when I was looking at him it was like I felt his strong hand gripping on my heart; he had all this power over me and I knew right there that I was falling in love with Kyle. We had already professed out love for each other, but now it was much deeper than that now and I was sacred that he wouldn’t return those feelings for me.

            Kyle was a great guy and all but he was very conceded and I don’t know how he would react knowing that I was falling in love with him. He would probably run away from it so I would just keep that to myself until he told me first, and knowing him that would probably take a couple of years.

            Since then Kyle has moved into my house and it’s been a pretty hard transition because he is particular about some things like where his clothes are, and what foods are put together in cabinets. So the compromise was that whatever he wanted in a certain way that was his he could organize it however he wanted to.

            Now it was 8:00 in the morning and I was getting my bag ready to go to the wedding, it was at the Hilton Hotel. I had two different outfits to change into: my performance dress for when the brides walked in, the performance dress for the reception. This was more like a gig than a wedding for me. I did what they asked as their friend. I was dressed in some jeans and a regular shirt on my way to the garage to get in the car when Kyle appeared in front of the door.

            “Leaving so early?” Kyle asked.

            “Yeah, the wedding starts at 1:00 and I have to do a sound check and get ready myself,” I said.

            “Okay, I’ll meet you there,” Kyle said. I smiled at him and walked to the garage where Bob was going to drive me to the hotel. I said hello to Bob but put my headphones in my ear and tried to get in the zone. Seeing Kyle kind of disturbed something in me a little bit but I would have to put that to the side so that I could perform.

Kyle’s POV:


            I was sitting in the third row with Dimitri waiting for the ceremony to begin they were only playing soft music until the two grooms walked out and showed themselves Then the music started to change it was a little drum beat and a few stringed instruments then Kelly walked from behind a concert. She was singing the song that she was keeping a secret from everyone, even me.

            “Wow,” I whispered looking at her. She was wearing a beaded ivory floor length dress with a split up to her thigh. It was a 1920’s themed wedding and she managed to incorporate that with a modern theme in the split.

            When she opened her mouth to sing everything around me disappeared because she was looking me directly in the eyes and it touched my soul. When she reached her hand out and sang then clenched her hand into a fist it felt like she was holding my heart in her hand and she had all the power over me. It made me realize something that no one else could ever explain to me, I was in love with her. I was in love with Kelly!

            “Just a couple of forevers, a couple of forevers, I’m the only one, you’re the only one together till never!” she sand one last time before she bowed her head and I realized that the two brides were there with the grooms. In the background you could hear Kelly still humming away and singing the chorus while the ceremony commenced. When both couples said I Do Kelly started up singing again and stopped when they exited the banquet hall. Jasmine walked away behind the curtains.

            After hours of sitting in the dance hall watching people dance to Kelly’s music and me nursing a scotch for the past five minutes someone approached me.

            “May I have this dance?” I looked up and saw Jasmine in a pant jumpsuit with a hint of green and a black top hat with a green ribbon.

            “Taking a break from all the singing?” I asked taking a swig of my drink.

            “Yeah, I thought I could at least have one dance to myself to relax my vocal chords,” she said laughing.

            “Well that would be smart, wouldn’t want to crack at your friends wedding, what would the critics say?” I asked dryly.

            “Okay,” Kelly said looking around uncomfortable with my attitude.

            “Well,” I said looking at her.

            “Are you okay?” Kelly asked me.

            “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked pouring myself another glass of scotch.

            “Ok alcoholic,” Kelly said getting up and storming off. I knew I was being mean but I didn’t expect her to run off like that so I immediately followed after.

            I found her outside by the fountain looking in the water admiring the aesthetics of it.

            “Go away Kyle,” she said abruptly.

            “If I’m not mistaken this is public property,” I said to her walking toward her but I walked into a wall.

            “As public as it is, I don’t want you anywhere near me,” she said. This wasn’t like her, usually she would be more joking with me, maybe she was getting tired of me.

            “As much as you wish it was that easy, we women are a lot more complicated than that, sorry,” Kelly said. I smiled at that because she was doing so well with her powers, and there was no questioning her power at this point.

            “I know that, but Kelly I want you,” I said to her.

            “Yeah ok,” She denied never looking at me.

            “Fine, I’ll prove it to you,” I said pushing through the force field that she put around herself. She felt the energy around her bend she simply didn’t acknowledge me, but I was going to push until I got to her and there was nothing she could do about me not getting to her. She was going to know about how I felt about her even if I was afraid she wouldn’t return the feelings.

            After pushing through the force field I got to her and turned her to face me. She looked shocked because I actually got through the field, but I wouldn’t let her talked I just attacked her mouth with my own and she conceded wrapping her arms around me and kissed me back with just as much fervor.

            “I’m in love with you and I want you in every way,” I said to her.

            “If you’re proposing you better do it a better way,” she said breathlessly.

            “Not yet, first I have to get your parents approval and then I have to get down on one knee.          

            “Fine, I’ll accept that but it better be a damned good proposal,” Kelly said making me laugh at her.

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