Part 22 - Feeling of love

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I see JK and Y/n laughing together.

V: Hey.
JK: Hey broooo.

Y/n's POV
He looks at both of us with smiling eyes. I make eye contact with him, and he comes and sits next to us.

V: What are you guys Talking?
JK: It's mine and Noona's secret; we can't tell anyone, right, Noona?
Y/n: Yes, of course.
JK: And Noona also said I'm her favorite. [Teasing V]
V: Oh, really?
Y/n: Yes, he is. [Laughing]
V: Are you going to have lunch with us, JK, or are you leaving?
JK: I want to have breakfast with you, but if I don't leave from here, you're going to punch me after noona leaves the place.
V: JKKK... It's not like that, you know that, right? You can stay here if you want. [Grinning while laughing]
Y/n: You can stay here for real; I mean, have lunch with us.
JK: Thank you, Noona; you're the best. I'm going to call Jimin hyung too; he'll be glad to hear it.
V: Invite Jin hyung, RM hyung, Hobi hyung, and Suga hyung too. [Sarcastic]
JK: No, I can't. Jin hyung and Suga hyung went fishing, and Hobi hyung and RM hyung went somewhere too.[innocently explaining] So it's only Jimin, who is at home. Noona, are you comfortable with me and Jimin hyung if we both join you?
Y/n: No problem at all; it's already your house, and I'm the guest. [Nervous]
JK: Okay, Noona, I'm going, and I'll come back after getting ready. I'll also bring Jimin hyung with me when coming here. It's 12:30 pm right now; I'll be back by 2 pm.

Y/n's POV
JK said goodbye and left. He's such a baby, getting so happy over something as simple as having lunch with us. I mean, he's a celebrity, an idol, but he's thrilled to hang out with me and V.

V: What are you thinking? If you're not comfortable, just let me know. I can make up an excuse.
Y/n: No, he's genuinely excited, and I don't want you to make excuses for me. I'm happy I got to talk to him. JK is really a nice guy.
V: Yeah, and he's your favorite too, right? [Rolling his eyes]

When I rolled my eyes, she started laughing, which made me laugh too.

Y/n: By the way, where did you go this morning?
V: To buy something.

The moment she asked, I placed the bags of clothes I bought for her in front of her.

Y/n's POV
He put three bags of shopping in front of me, and I was shocked to see they were from Gucci.

Y/n: What is this?
V: Well, since you came here with me and couldn't bring your clothes, and you didn't have anything to wear today, I thought...
Y/n: But why? I don't like it when someone spends so much money on me. I mean, you took me to an amusement park, and now this. I don't like it when one person spends so much in any relationship.
V: Hey, don't be like that. I've earned enough, and I have more than enough to spend. I'm not showing off. You bring me so much happiness that can't be compared to any amount of money. And don't worry; someday, I'll ask you for something in return. Please accept this. I really respect how you care about every little thing, which is exactly what I want my partner to do. but for mow Just please accept this.

Y/n's POV
The moment he says, "I care about everything," like he wants his partner to care about, my heart skips a beat. I am giving him happiness that cannot be compared to any amount of money.

I really appreciate this girl. In my last relationship, every girl would get excited and happy after seeing gifts, but she is truly a wife material. She's the second girl, after my mother, who has said something like this about spending money.

V: Are you mad at me?
Y/n: No, but next time when we meet, it will be on me?
V: Done.
Y/n: Now let's get ready. What about food? Should we make it together?
V: It's already 1 pm, and we have one hour to prepare food and get ready. You know I'm an expert in cooking, so I guess it will be hard for us to make food for the four of us. I think I should call the chef. We can give him the menu, and he will prepare it.
Y/n: Okay.

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