We both look into each other's eyes. I feel her honesty with each word. I see her love for me in her eyes. I'm on another universe right now. I hold her waist from my hands the moment she says, "Will I be the last color in your rainbow?" I...
V POV We were all talking until 3 am, and then we fell asleep. I woke up and saw everyone sleeping peacefully. I calmly stood up, freshened up, had some juice, and ate the leftovers from the night before. I went outside the house and sat on a bench, thinking about my life, mingyu, and Songhi and y/n. Someone tapped on my shoulder, and I turned back.
Jimin: Good morning, brother. V: Good morning. Jimin: When did you wake up? V: Almost 30 minutes ago. I also had a light breakfast. Jimin: Your phone has been ringing continuously in your room. V: Whose call was it? Jimin: It was from an unknown number, so I put it on silent. V: Okay. Jimin: What are you thinking? V: I really don't want to think about anything, Jimin. (I looked up at the sky.) Jimin: I really wish I could share your pain. (Jimin hugged V from behind.) V: By staying by my side, you are already sharing it. Jimin: I am always here by your side. V: This is the blessing of my life. At least I have you guys with me. Jimin: I'm feeling hungry. Do you want to eat something? V: No, I'm going boating. I'll join you after that.
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BTS POV Everyone woke up one by one. Jimin was cooking some breakfast, and Suga joined to help make brunch for all of them. Everyone got ready one by one.
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Jin: Where is V? Jimin: He's outside on a boat. RM: When did he wake up? Jimin: Almost 2 hours ago. Hobi: He's been on a boat for 2 hours? Jimin: No, but more than one hour. Jin: JK, go call him inside. He's exhausting himself unintentionally and trying to divert his mind. Do something silly with him, like you always do. JK: Okay, hyung.
V POV I heard JK shouting my name from the corner of the river.
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