We both look into each other's eyes. I feel her honesty with each word. I see her love for me in her eyes. I'm on another universe right now. I hold her waist from my hands the moment she says, "Will I be the last color in your rainbow?" I...
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Dear Beautiful Reader and Beautiful Army,
I'm on cloud nine today! My fanfiction, "DREAMY LOVE STORY," just hit 25+ views and got 1k+ votes! 💃 It's a big deal for me, and I'm so grateful for your love and support. 💜
As promised, once "DREAMY LOVE STORY" hits 50k+ views or 5k votes, I'll start posting the second part. And guess what? I've already started writing the backstory!🤩🤩
This story is super close to my heart. It's a labor of love, born from my imagination and fueled by my passion for storytelling. I started it with zero expectations, just wanting to share something special with you all. And now, seeing it grow and touch so many hearts, it's beyond words.😭💜
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I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to one of my closest friend cum soulmate Chhawyy , my "yeobo.🫂" [this is what we call each other] She has been my rock, my biggest cheerleader, and the driving force behind my decision to write fanfiction. Her unwavering support and encouragement have meant the world to me, and I owe her more than words can say. Love you always, yeobo! 💜
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Thank you, beautiful readers, for joining me on this journey. Your support, feedback, and love inspire me to keep writing and sharing my stories with you. 💜I hope you'll continue to follow along as we explore the twists and turns of "DREAMY LOVE STORY- BEYOND IMAGINATION" together.
Borahae 💜
With so much gratitude and Love Pratibha..
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