We both look into each other's eyes. I feel her honesty with each word. I see her love for me in her eyes. I'm on another universe right now. I hold her waist from my hands the moment she says, "Will I be the last color in your rainbow?" I...
V's POV I come out from the apartment and see Hobi Hyung and RM Hyung waiting. Hobi Hyung comes forward and hugs me. I'm in shock; I really don't know how to react and process what just happened. My heart is struggling to accept the reality.
Hobi: Let's go from here, Tae Hyung. RM: I've called the driver; he'll pick up the other car. Let's go back together.
V's POV: I nod in response. I'm at a loss for words. I take my seat in the car, and Hobi Hyung starts driving us back home. Then, Songhi approaches.
Songhi: I was not lying, V, about y/n, and I have changed.
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Hobi: Songhi, step aside. It's not the right time to talk. Songhi: Hey, Hobi, let me come with you. I know I can handle V in this situation. RM: You are not the one, Songhi, and Tae Hyung is not an object that can be handled. We've been together for most of our lives, so we know how to take care of him. You should step aside or else I can find another way to handle this. V: Whatever happens in my life, under no circumstances do you have a chance to come back in my life. Just stay away.
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RM: One last thing, Songhi. Focus on your comeback drama. I don't want to ruin your professional life with my connections. I hope you understand what I mean. You were important to us because of Tae Hyung, but not anymore. Just remember this.
Y/n's POV What just happened? How did he get that audio? I still can't control my tears. I can't believe what just happened. My phone is ringing, and what if V is calling me? What if he wants to hear me? I see my call, and it's from the place I booked for V and me. I can't stop myself from crying. My phone rings again, and I pick up.
Man: Hey, ma'am, we've prepared everything the way you asked. Can you tell us when you'll reach? Y/n: Please cancel everything. I'll send you the money. [Controlling my tears.] Man: Ma'am, is everything alright? Are you not happy with our hospitality? Y/n: No, just cancel it. Man: Do you want us to postpone it for another day? We can do that for you, ma'am. Y/n: I don't think I'll ever need it. [Disconnected the call.]
Y/n's POV I call Jin Hyung; he will listen to me. I dial his number, but he doesn't pick up the call. I call him again, and this time he picks up.
BTS's POV Earlier when v left house crying
Jungkook: I can't believe this. Y/n can't do this to V. Jimin: She's not that kind of girl. But what is that audio and photo? Suga: V is broken, and Y/n can't hurt him like this. Jin: There's something we're not seeing. Jungkook, stop making that face. All of you, pull yourselves together. We have to find out and sort this. Jimin: I can't bear to see V like this, Hyung. He'll isolate himself again. Jungkook: Y/n is not like that, Jin Hyung. Jin: Wait, Y/n is calling me. Y/n: Hyung, just listen to me once. [Crying.] Jin: I'll talk to you later. Y/n: What you saw is not right, Hyung. Just give me a chance. Jin: That voice is not yours? That girl is not you who hugged Mingyu in the picture? Y/n: It's me, Hyung, but things are not as you're thinking. Just give me a chance to explain myself. Jin: I'll call you later. Bye. [I see V coming with RM and Hobi.]
V's POV We all are silent throughout the way back home. I entered my area and saw everyone there. I know they must be worried about me.
V: I am fine; I am going to my room. Jin: Go take a bath. [v noded in response]
BTS POV The moment V went inside his room.
Jin: Jimin, you go inside, talk to him, let him cry his heart out. Right now, he is hurt and can't think or understand anything. Don't make him understand anything, just hear him out. Jimin: Okay, Hyung. Jin: Don't worry, all of you. If Y/n is right, then it will sort out in 2 days. Just trust me.[RM told everything to us about the conversation they had with Songhi.] Suga: Well, I guess Songhi is the root of this. RM: We have to go to the shoot tomorrow, Hyung. We have to prepare for that. Hobi: Joon, yoongi, and I will take care of that, prepare for the shoot. Jin Hyung, you be with V. Jin: Yeah, you guys go, and JK, you text Y/n about our schedule for the next 2-3 days. Don't talk to her other than just sharing our schedule. Ask her to come to every single shoot. If she is not wrong, she will come at any cost, and I will find out what happened until then.
Hobi, RM, and Suga went to prepare for the shoot. Jin Hyung and JK were sitting in V's drawing room.
V's POV I come to my room and see Jimin coming from behind. I sit on the bed while looking at the dress I was planning to wear. Jimin hugged me.