chapter 10 (Goodbye: Ending the Pain

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Days passed... no reconciliation happened, instead Light asked to cool off...

Light: Pearl, I think maybe we both need a bit of space right now.

Pearl: Space? Light, we can't just keep avoiding this. We need to talk and sort things out.

Light: I get that, Pearl. But sometimes, cooling off a bit can help us gain some perspective. Emotions are running high, and I don't want us to say things we might regret.

Pearl: Regret? I regret the silence and the distance between us. I thought we were trying to fix things.

Light: We are, Pearl, but maybe a little time apart will allow us to approach this with clearer minds. I'm not suggesting we ignore the problem; I just think a brief break could be beneficial.

Pearl: Beneficial? Light, I'm not sure how taking a break will magically solve everything. I thought we were in this together.

Light: We are, Pearl. But I believe a step back could give us a chance to reflect individually. It's not about giving up; it's about finding a way back to each other with a fresh perspective.

Pearl: (sighs) I just don't want us to drift further apart.

Light: Nor do I, Pearl. This is just a temporary measure. Let's take a breather, gather our thoughts, and then come back to this conversation with a clearer understanding.

Pearl crying trying to hold back Light...

Light: Pearl, I know this is difficult, but I genuinely believe a little time apart could help.

Pearl: (voice quivering) Light, I don't understand. Are we giving up?

Light: No, Pearl, we're not giving up. I just think we need a moment to collect ourselves.

Pearl: (teary-eyed) But what if this makes everything worse? I thought we were fighting for us.

Light: (softly) We are, Pearl. I care about us, and that's precisely why I'm suggesting this. I don't want us to say things in the heat of the moment that we might regret.

Pearl: (choked up) I just... I just don't want to lose you.

Light: (gentle tone) You won't. This is not about losing each other; it's about finding a way to be stronger together.

Pearl: (voice breaking) It hurts, Light. I thought we could face anything together.

Light: (reaching out) Pearl, it's because I believe in us that I think a short break could bring some clarity. I hate seeing you like this, and I want us to have a chance at a better future.

Pearl: (crying softly) I just need you to promise that this won't make things worse.

Light: (gentle smile) I promise, Pearl. This is about making things better for us, even if it's hard to see right now.

As the days passed, Pearl lingered in the background, observing Light from a distance. She silently watched, hoping for a sign of change or a glimmer of acknowledgment. However, her heart sank one day as she witnessed Light seemingly enjoying himself, oblivious to the pain he had caused her.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, the hurt in her chest grew too overwhelming. With a heavy heart and a resolve to address the pain head-on, Pearl made the difficult decision to confront Light for the last time.

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