chapter 12 (Light's Quest to Find Love in the City of Lights)

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Light starts his quest for the search of Pearl...

As Light approached Pearl's house, his heart was filled with both hope and anxiety. With every step, the air felt thick with unspoken words and lingering emotions. However, upon reaching her doorstep, a cold truth settled in – Pearl was not there.

The once lively house, a haven for shared laughter and love, now stood in haunting silence. Light searched for any trace of her presence, but the emptiness mirrored the void within him.

Contemplating whether to leave a note or wait for her return, Light felt the weight of missed opportunities. The door, once a gateway to shared moments, now seemed to guard a poignant absence.

As he turned away, the hollowness of the house reflected the ache in his heart. The quest for reconnection led him to an echoing void, forcing Light to grapple with the reality that, for now, Pearl's house held only emptiness.

The evening shadows clung to Light as he found himself standing before Pearl's ancestral house, a place that held not just memories of their shared past but also the essence of her roots. The hope for a chance encounter, a thread of connection, fueled his steps as he approached the imposing entrance.

Light knocked on the door, and after a moment that felt like an eternity, it creaked open. A middle-aged house helper, who had been a familiar face in Light's countless visits, greeted him with a wary smile.

Light: Good evening. Is Pearl here?

House Helper: (regretful) I'm sorry, sir, but the whole family is out of the country.

Light: (bewildered) Out of the country? When did they leave, and where are they?

House Helper: (apologetic) I'm afraid I don't have that information, sir. They left quite suddenly.

A pang of disappointment echoed within Light as he absorbed the news. The ancestral house, usually bustling with the warmth of family, now stood in eerie quietness. The very foundation of his search seemed to crumble beneath him.

Light: (thoughtful) Do you know when they'll be back?

House Helper: I'm sorry, sir, I don't have that information either. They didn't share details with me.

Light felt a sense of helplessness wash over him. The uncertainty about Pearl's whereabouts left him grappling with the realization that the answers he sought remained elusive.

Light: Thank you. If you hear anything or if they return, please let me know.

House Helper: Certainly, sir. Take care.

As Light walked away from the ancestral house, a mix of frustration and longing clouded his thoughts. The vastness of the unknown stretched before him, and the quest to find Pearl seemed to have taken an unexpected turn, leaving Light with more questions than answers.

Determined to unravel the mystery of Pearl's sudden departure, Light gathered his friends to update them on the situation. The weight of uncertainty hung in the air as he shared the news about the family being out of the country, leaving him with no concrete information on their whereabouts.

Light: Guys, I just got back from Pearl's ancestral house, and they're all out of the country. The house helper didn't know when they'd be back or where they'd gone.

Amboy: That's a tough break, Light. Any idea why they left?

Light: No clue. It seemed sudden. They didn't even tell the house helper where they were headed.

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