chapter 43 (Post-Wedding Bliss: A Celebration of Love and New Beginnings)

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Light and Pearl had just celebrated their beautiful wedding reception. After the formalities of the wedding reception, Light and Pearl decided to transition to a more relaxed and informal setting. They wanted to continue the celebration in a way that allowed everyone to let loose and enjoy the moment. were now ready to continue the festivities with their close friends. The night was young, and the energy in the air was filled with happiness and excitement.

Light and Pearl, along with their friends, chose a vibrant after-party venue. It was a lively club. The beats of lively music filled the air as everyone hit the dance floor. Light and Pearl, now in more comfortable attire, danced the night away with friends. The dance floor became a place where joy and celebration melded into a rhythmic expression of happiness.

Amidst the dancing, Amboy, a close friend, found himself amid a lively group conversation. The atmosphere was buzzing with laughter and animated discussions as everyone shared funny anecdotes from the wedding.

Amboy: (raising his glass) "Hey, remember that moment when the ring bearer almost took a detour down the aisle? Classic!"

Towers: (chuckles) "Oh, that kid was on a mission! I thought we were about to witness a ring-bearing adventure."

Corex: "Speaking of adventures, do you guys remember the bachelor party? Those were some wild times!"

Putik: (laughs) "Wild is an understatement! I still can't believe that naughty dancers...Legendary!"

Tarsier: "And the tarsier-shaped cake! Never seen anything like it. I thought it was a real one at first."

F*boy: "Oh, the cake! I was convinced it was a prank. But man, it tasted amazing. Zarina's baking skill is extraordinary,"

Kulog: "Remember when the DJ played that throwback song, and we all joined the strip dancers in  Macarena? Good times!"

Sunog: (nodding) "And the dance floor was on fire—literally and figuratively."

Prof: (with a grin) "I must say, Light and Pearl enjoy a party. It's been a blast!"

Intsik: (raising his glass) "To you brudie and Pearl, may your marriage be as epic as this celebration!"

Hitman: (smirking) "If it's anything like tonight, I'm sure they're in for an adventure. Cheers!"

As the group toasted Light and Pearl's happiness, the eclectic mix of friends, each with their unique personalities, continued to share stories and create new memories on the dance floor. The night was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the joy of celebrating a union that had brought them all together.

The ladies, Helene, Alyza, Xandra, Cedes, Athena, Victoria, Kathrina, Cherry, Jenna, and Zarina, found themselves gathered in a more secluded corner of the venue, away from the dance floor. The topic of conversation shifted to the unexpected and entertaining appearance of macho dancers at the wedding.

Helene: (raising an eyebrow) "Well, that was certainly a surprise. Who would've thought macho dancers would be part of the entertainment?"

Alyza: (laughing) "I must admit, it added a whole new level of excitement. I didn't see that coming at all!"

Xandra: "Can you imagine our faces when they first appeared? Priceless!"

Cedes: "It was like a mix of shock and amusement. I couldn't stop laughing."

Athena: "We all enjoyed it!"

A Dance Of Love  (LCB Story 9: Light Montero Story)Where stories live. Discover now