chapter 18 (Beneath the Golden Sun: A Haunting Nightmare by the Shore)

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at Siargao...

The light left for Siargao to run away from the trouble caused by Pearl and the photos and videos with his lover. He just wanted to forget, make the pain go away, and heal the hurts inside. He planned to stay there and take time to grieve.

Arriving on the sandy shores of Siargao, Light felt the cool breeze and heard the waves crashing. It felt like a quiet place, away from the mess he left behind.

As he walked along the beach, the sunlight made everything golden. But in his mind, he couldn't shake off the hurtful images that people had seen. It was like a bad dream he wanted to forget.

In the bright sunlight, Light walked along the warm beach, feeling the sand beneath his feet. The beautiful scene clashed with the turmoil in his mind, as he couldn't shake off the hurtful images etched in people's minds, haunting him like a relentless ghost.

Light: (whispering) "Why does everything look so beautiful? It's like the world is mocking me."

The radiant sunlight created long shadows on the sand, contrasting sharply with the shadows in Light's thoughts. The weight of those hurtful images stuck with him, and the serene beauty of the beach felt like a cruel reminder of what he wanted to forget.

As he walked, the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing provided a dissonant soundtrack to his troubled thoughts. The sea, usually a source of comfort, now reflected the turmoil within him.

Light: (sighing) "This feels like a nightmare I can't wake up from. How do I escape it?"

The bad dream played on a loop in his mind, an unending reel of pain and betrayal. The sunlight, meant to bring warmth, felt cold against the ache in his heart.

He continued to walk, each step carrying the weight of his burden. The beauty of the beach, once a sanctuary, became a bitter irony, deepening his sense of isolation.

Light: (looking at the vast ocean) "Can the sea wash away these memories? Can it cleanse my soul of this pain?"

The question hung unanswered, and the sunlight, though inviting, couldn't dispel the darkness in Light's mind. The beach, once a symbol of tranquility, now mirrored the storm within him, leaving him yearning for a break from the relentless waves of anguish. He spotted a cozy hut between palm trees. It seemed like a good place to hide from the judging eyes and the noise of the world. The hut looked simple, a perfect spot for him to find peace.

Inside the hut, Light sat on a chair, looking out at the blue sea. The waves made a soothing sound, and for a moment, he felt a bit better. The pain was still there, but the quiet surroundings helped.

Night fell, and Light was alone with his thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking about Pearl and the mess they were in. The hurt and betrayal were like heavy weights on his shoulders.

Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door. Light was surprised to see a local fisherman standing there. The fisherman looked understanding like he knew Light was going through something tough.

"Feeling troubled, sir?" the fisherman asked, sensing Light's sadness.

Light nodded, appreciating the concern in the stranger's eyes. "I came here to find peace, to forget the pain," he admitted.

The fisherman smiled kindly and pulled up a chair. "Siargao has a way of healing. Sometimes, being close to the sea and the quiet can help mend a broken heart."

In the quiet of the night, Light found himself opening up to the fisherman, sharing the weight on his heart.

Fisherman: "Sometimes, the sea sees more than we think. It has a way of witnessing redemption and renewal."

Light: "I just want to forget the mess, find a way to move on. But it feels impossible."

Fisherman: "I've seen many troubled souls find peace by the shore. The sea has a unique way of soothing pain."

Light: "I never expected this betrayal. It hurts so much."

Fisherman: "Betrayal is like a storm, fierce and unpredictable. But storms pass, and calm follows."

Light: "I hope you're right. I need some calm in my life."

Fisherman: "The sea teaches us patience. Healing takes time, but it will come, like the tide that always returns."

Light: "I just want to stay here, away from everything, until the pain fades away."

Fisherman: "Siargao has a way of offering solace. Let the island embrace you, and in time, you'll find the peace you seek."

As they talked, Light felt a bit lighter. He shared his feelings, and the fisherman shared stories of the sea and how it had healed others.

In the quiet of the night, Light looked at the dark sea. The healing had just started, and Siargao, with its peaceful beauty and the words of a kind stranger, felt like a safe place to begin again.

After the fisherman left, Light felt even more overwhelmed by his emotions. Alone in the dimly lit hut, he desperately reached for a bottle, hoping the fiery liquid inside could make him forget, at least for a little while.

Light: (strained voice) "Maybe this will help me forget, just for a bit."

He took a long sip, the bitter taste doing little to ease the ache in his heart. Despite the pain, he continued to drink, wanting the alcohol to wash away the haunting memories.

As the alcohol took effect, Light's emotions erupted. Tears streamed down his face, and he couldn't control the overwhelming pain.

Light: (choked voice) "Why did it have to happen like this? I never saw it coming..."

His sobs echoed in the quiet hut, blending with the distant waves outside. The alcohol blurred reality, and Light's grasp on his emotions slipped away.

In his desperate attempt to escape the torment, Light clung to the bottle as if it were his only lifeline. The fiery liquid inside seemed to offer a peculiar blend of solace and pain, a distorted remedy for the searing betrayal he couldn't shake off.

Light: (mumbling to himself) "Maybe if I drown it out, it'll all fade away. Just for a while..."

He took another swig, the harsh burn down his throat momentarily distracting him from the emotional turmoil. The room, already dimly lit, began to blur, and the sounds around him seemed to echo in an unsettling symphony.

As the alcohol-induced haze enveloped him, Light's grip on reality slipped further. The bottle, initially a support, now felt like a double-edged sword, simultaneously numbing and intensifying his anguish.

Light: (voice slurred) "Why... why did she do this? I trusted her."

His words became a disjointed plea to an absent confidante. The weight of the betrayal and the pain it caused seemed to gain strength with each passing sip.

The room spun in a disorienting dance, and the once steady glow of the single lamp flickered like a distant memory. In this altered state, Light was a passenger on a turbulent journey, desperately seeking an escape from the storm within.

Light: (whispering to himself) "I just need to forget, even if it's just for tonight."

His cries became softer, the alcohol casting a temporary spell on his troubled mind. Amid the haze, Light clung to the bottle as if it were the only anchor keeping him afloat in the tempest of emotions, a fragile raft in the sea of his despair.

The peaceful hut transformed into a place of despair as Light, consumed by grief, finally succumbed to the numbing effects of the alcohol. His cries faded into a soft whimper, and with heavy eyes, he fell into unconsciousness, finding a brief respite from the weight of his troubles in the grip of drunken sleep.


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