chapter 20 (A Painful Scene of Betrayal)

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Pearl was really worried about Light, so she went to his house, office, and all the places he usually hung out. She knocked on his door, but he didn't answer, so she looked through the windows.

Pearl: "Light? It's me, Pearl. I've been trying to reach you. Where could you be?"

She went to his office next, but it was empty and quiet. Pearl was confused because Light was always there at that time.

Pearl: "This doesn't make sense. Where could he have gone?"

Pearl kept searching, going to all the places Light liked, but he wasn't anywhere.

Pearl: "Where are you, Light? This isn't like you. Please, answer me."

Pearl was getting more and more frustrated. Light wasn't answering calls, and everywhere she looked, he was nowhere to be found.

Pearl: "I need to figure out where he could be. Something isn't right."

Aware of the storm of emotions brewing within Light due to the scandalous photos and videos featuring her with another man, Pearl realized the urgent need to bridge the growing gap between them. She sought him out, sensing the weight of betrayal that hung in the air.

Pearl couldn't find Light, so she checked his social media and saw pictures and videos of him in Siargao. The images showed him dancing intimately with a woman and sharing sensual moments. This left Pearl shocked and hurt, wondering why Light would post such things.

Feeling confused and suspicious, Pearl thought it might be revenge for the scandalous photos she was involved in. Wanting to clear things up, she decided to go to Siargao, the place in the pictures. She planned to talk to Light face-to-face, understand the truth, and hopefully, fix any misunderstandings.

With a mix of nervousness and determination, Pearl packed her bags and traveled to Siargao, hoping that by confronting Light in person, she could figure out what was going on and find a way to resolve their relationship issues.

As Pearl sat on the airplane headed to Siargao, a whirlwind of emotions swept over her. Anticipation and fear mixed, creating a complex knot in her stomach.

Anticipation coursed through her veins as she thought about finally confronting Light and unraveling the mysteries behind the photos and videos. She hoped that this face-to-face conversation would bring clarity to the confusing situation. The prospect of understanding the truth and resolving their issues fueled her determination.

However, fear lingered in the background. The uncertainty of how Light would react, the fear of what she might discover, and the worry about the fate of their relationship weighed heavily on her mind. The turbulence of emotions made her palms sweaty and her heart race.

As the plane soared through the clouds, Pearl couldn't shake the feeling that this journey to Siargao held the key to unlocking the truth. She braced herself for the unknown, hoping that, in the end, the face-to-face meeting would either provide closure or pave the way for a fresh start.

Upon arriving at the resort, Pearl took a deep breath to calm her nerves. With determination, she approached the front desk and introduced herself as Mrs. Pearl Montero, Light's wife. The receptionist, acknowledging her arrival, handed her a passcode.

Front Desk: "Welcome, Mrs. Montero. Light is expecting you. Here's the passcode to your room."

Excitement and nervousness mingled within Pearl as she made her way to the designated room. Trembling with anticipation, she couldn't shake the thought of finally facing Light and unraveling the mystery that had consumed her thoughts.

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