Chapter Thirty - Moving

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I am ushered out of the station by Mom before any one can say anything. The last thing I see is Dean standing, the same hurt expression on his face, he's staring straight ahead of him, not moving. 

I'm so lost in thought that I don't register us driving off or pulling up in front of the house.

"Come on, Annie" Mom says jumping out of the car and heading inside. I stay in the car for a little while. Move to New Zealand? Being with Kate would be amazing. I miss her so much but I feel like I was starting to build a life here. I have Dean. Do I have Dean? I wasn't sure if I had forgiven him yet or what our future looked like.

I slowly get out of the car but just before I step foot on the porch I hear a whistle. My head snaps round and my heart feels like it stops. I see him. Jason. My eyes go wide and my body goes rigid. I feel like I'm going to be sick. 

I open my mouth to shout but Jason raises a finger, wagging it from side to side. 

"No shouting darling, just a little visit. It won't take long" he comes closer and I step further onto the porch.

"I have been searching for you for a long time...." I watch his movements carefully he is still edging towards me, his eyes roaming all over my body making me shrink into myself in an attempt to hide "but here you are. Oh, I have missed you" He reaches his hand to touch me but I flinch back.

He smiles, the sight sends shivers of fear down my spine.

"You've had me guessing for a while, but I finally found you. You've been shacking up with my good friend Sheriff Monroe, haven't you?"

My eyes widen in shock. He knows. He knows where I am.

"That's not very nice Annie. You belong to me" his tone is changing and I can tell, from experience, that his anger is building. His fists clench and I hunch over as a reflex to protect myself. 

"Not yet my love. Soon but not yet" he turns and walks down the street. As soon as he is far enough away I bolt inside and lock the door behind me.

"What's wrong Annie? What were you doing out there?" Mom asks.

"Get Dean, I want Dean" I run up to my room and into bed, tears start rolling as all my emotions flood out. 

It doesn't seem like a lot of time passes before I hear rustling then a soft knock on my door, it opens slowly

"Annie..." Deans voice fills my ears and I jump up and wrap my arms around him, sobbing into his chest, "Annie, what happened? Are you ok?"

"He was here" I manage after a while, pulling me head back to look at him and wiping my eyes with the back of my hands.

Dean's body stiffens, he knows exactly what I am talking about

"Did he hurt you?" his face looks like he is panicking but his voice stays calm

I shake my head

"Did he say anything to you?"

"He.... he knows we are together... he's not happy.... he said.....he would come for me......soon"

Dean's jaw clenched and I could see the anger and frustration in his eyes.

"When was he here? Did you see where he went?"

"When we got home, he came out of nowhere. He must have been here.... waiting.... he walked off.... down the street, I don't know where he was going...."

"Sssh, it's OK, Annie, I'm here, I got you, remember? I got you" he pulls me in for another hug, locking me in his strong arms for a moment before pulling me back and looking me in the eyes.

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