Chapter One

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****AUSTIN'S POV****

I walked off the terminal into the airport, glancing at my phone for the time, 3:40 shit. Alan wasn't gonna be here till 4 better go kill some time. I walked around with my bags until I found a small bar on the north side of the building. I took a seat and a waitress with long blonde tipped black hair came over and asked me for ID and what I wanted, she came back with a beer and went to tend to the other two people at the other end of the room. I had zoned out until my phone buzzed in my pocket, I looked down, New Message: GINGER-PRINCESS I laughed at the name I had put into my phone for Alan so many years ago, he'd begged me to change it, but I never did...

**** four years ago(no ones POV, third person) ****

"Aaaauusssttiinnnnnnnnn" Alan whined, trying to snatch the phone from the tall boys grasp, jumping to get it just to fall short by an inch or so.

"Alan, down boy" the lanky dark haired man laughed pushing the small boy back "I'm not changing it, you're my ginger princess, and that is how you shall be in my contacts!" He announced.

The short ginger jumped once more almost getting within reach but fell short again before playfully slamming into the dark haired boy, knocking him, as well as himself, to the ground. Alan wrestled Austin's arms down and stared down at him for a moment after successfully pinning his wrists down. Austin stared back shocked, for a second he thought that Alan was going to kiss him, but instead, the ginger stuck his tongue out at him, and grabbed the phone from his hands.

The boy sat up, and gently slid back a little, not realizing he was sitting on Austin's lap and kept wiggling around. Alan, not realizing what was happening beneath him, started to change the contact name to "ALAN \m/" when suddenly austin was pushing him off of his lap to stand up, and taking the phone back in his hands. The ginger princess stared up at Austin pouting .

"I... Uhm... I'm not changing it Alan" the dark haired boy said turning away to walk into the kitchen, trying to conceal the slight bulge in his pants, caused by his soon to be long time best friend.

**** back to the bar ****

"That was too close..." I muttered to myself remembering that day and took another sip from my beer and opened the message. My vision was blocked before i could read it by someone's hands and a familiar voice following with, "guess who"

"Uhhmmmmm is ittttt Danny worsnop?" I said, full knowing that it wasn't him.

"Psh no do I have an accent to you or something?! Guess agaiinnnnn" it was Alan, I'm gonna mess with him (;<

"IS IT RONNIE?!" I didn't have to look back at him to know he was pouting

"nooooooooooooooo" okay I'd let up

I turned around and hugged my ginger tight. Wait... MY ginger...... Austin... You went away because of this, you have to stop thinking of Alan like this, he's your best friend... Nothing more... He'd would NEVER be more... "I MISSED YOU GINGER PRINCESS!" I yelled, drawing attention from the rest of the people around us, Alan cleared his throat and I backed off, "sorry man, I just missed you is all" I looked down and rubbed the back of my neck feeling awkward, I grabbed my bags and Alan helped.

"It's alright man, lets just get back, Tino's got this thing planned to go out tonight, we're all gonna be there, Phil, Aaron, tino- obviously, you, than there's me and Melanie" he ended, smiling at me. Who the fuck was Melanie, and why did it sound like she was dating MY, yeah MY ginger princess. I don't like this. We started walking back to wherever the hell he was parked.

I smiled back and elbowed him in the side "oooooooohhh Alan's Godda girllll friend" I said winking at him, he looked away from me, face turning red through his smile... His Adorable... Perfect... Kissable- NO. STOP CARLILE. I mentally was killing myself over this, why couldn't he just see how I felt about him...

"Nah man, she's just a friend" he said as we walked out the east doors and turned into the parking garage "cars over this way" he motioned to the back row, and I saw my black SUV. That sneaky little fuck!

"MY BABY!! YOU BROUGHT ME MY BABY!!" I ran over to the car and quickly pulled my keys out of my back pocket, opening the back door and tossing my shit into the back, Alan did the same and closed it.

"IM DRIVING." I said happily, and hopped up into the drivers seat. I had to re adjust everything, because well... Alan was fucking short. I finished up fixing the mirrors and was about to turn the key in the ignition, at the same time I did Alan looked over at me and said something but I ignored him when I heard 'Product of a murderer' start blaring at me from all the speakers on full blast.

I quickly turned the system down and just stared over at him wide eyed. He was looking back and I saw his face reddening "miss me much?" Alan once told me a year or so ago that when he felt lonely or he missed me he'd play our CDs and sing along and it felt like I was there. I mean... He told me in his sleep, which didn't count really to him, cause I hadn't told him but whatever.

"What? nahhhh man, not at all" he said smiling. Maybe.... Maybe he wasn't kidding... I looked down at the wheel, feeling like I was going to cry. "Austin! I WAS KIDDING!" He turned up the music more "I missed you a bunch, you never even told my why you left... You kinda abandoned me there for a while... I missed you a lot, it was a joke..." I kept staring down and he nudged my shoulder "hey... You okay austin? We need to get going back to your place so you can get ready" he was speaking to me softly as if I was a child.

"Y-yeah sorry I zoned out for a sec.." Liar. No You didn't, I said to myself. I pulled the car out of the spot and started back for my place. I turned the cd up and re started the song, it was one of my favorites, I think it was Alan's too, he did a killer job on his guitar parts, he was amazing... I drummed my thumbs against the wheel in sync with Tino's drumming. It got up to the end of the song, and the part I've been waiting for was coming, I looked over at Alan just before my voice kicked back into it, and We both started singing, I didn't realize it cause I was focused on the road, but Alan had turned the song way down and stopped singing, then it was just me, and my voice.

Sure we've ran things together before... But I don't know, I looked back over at him when I noticed and my face started getting red so I looked back to the road in front of me and stopped singing. I could see his expression out of the corner of my eye, he looked... Sad... Was he upset that I stopped singing? "W-what" I stammered.

"Oh nothing, I just like hearing you sing... It's like an angel" he said softly. I turned onto the freeway "I wish you wouldn't have stopped..." He whispered softly. It was about 45 minutes until we got back to my house, I pulled into the driveway and He got out of the car and headed for the back to get my stuff, with me following suit. My face was probably so red for a good portion of the car ride. I hope he haven't noticed. I just can't get over him...

I shouldn't have come back.


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