Chapter 20 fears

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I woke up with will wrapped around me tightly remembering what we were talking about last night. It hurt, but it was needed. His face was still nestled into the crook of my neck. I turned my head to kiss him on the forehead. He didn't react which scared me.
"Will..,?" Still no answer I tried to push his shoulder and there was still no answer "will!" I yelled and he jumped up with me still in him arms and began to swing me around and kissing all over my face. He was laughing.
"Will. Ohmygod dont scare me like that" I said breath heavy and laughing
"I'm sorry babe" he said finally putting me down hands around my waist mine around his neck.
"I love you Jori..." He was confused "oh my god, I don't know your middle name..oh golly I'm sorry I'm the wors-" he was talking quickly and guilty
I cut him off "Dolores. It's Dolores" I said grabbing the side of his face "now Mr. William Jack Poulter lets go see what mad and rin are doing" I said yanking him out the door
"Wait jori" will said pulling me back closing the door " about last night, I texted my manager and said I'm not gonna do the movie." He looked kinda discouraged, but I knew it was the right thing "but I just want to let you know,I'm not letting you go. I love you too much" I knew what he meant. He didn't want us to break up cause of our heck tick career. Our love was stronger than that
"I know...I love you too"I said rubbing the sides of his arms.
"Alrighty, let's go little one" he says picking my up and throwing me over his shoulder. We walked to the kitchen to see rin cooking while maddie was sitting on the counter. They were laughing about something
"Aye good morning love birds!" Maddie says as she slowly stops laughing
"What is your head chef cookin" I said winking at Maddie as she goes behind him hugging him
"We are having a traditional Japanese breakfast" rin added looking behind him grinning at Maddie
"We have some sliced salmon, fresh fruit, and some white rice" I'm glad Maddie explained because I had no clue why rin was cooking salmon in the morning.
After we were done eating we were debating what to do. After the long complicated thinking we decided to go sight seeing then rin is going to take us to this cool club to go to later at night. We finally agreed and got dressed rin had 3 bathrooms which was crazy since he usually lived by himself when Maddie wasn't there. We all got dressed. Rin wore a white jacket with a blue hoodie underneath with black pants. Will wore a grey and black jacket with dark grey pants and black boots. Maddie wore a black and grey tie dye hoodie with black shorts. I wore a plain black dress and a black LA beanie with black converse.(picture^)
We all got into the car to go to our first stop.
Joypolis. It was an amusement park/arcade. It was huge. It was a long line to get in.
"Holy crap we have to wai-" I said complaining about the long line
"Here follow me" rin said me and will looked at each other confused
"Ayeee rin how are you!" The guy that was working at the gate to get in said
"I'm good! Well I have brought my two new friends will and Jori! And of course my beautiful girlfriend Maddie. But you've already met" he said wrapping his arm around her waist as me and will have a slight wave to the guy.
"Hey I know you! I've seen you in were the millers and the maze runner! You extremely talented! Hey come on I'm guys you don't need to pay" he said gesturing into the building
Before will could say thank you the guy pushed us all in. Will stumbled into me.
I looked around in amazement the place had people everywhere playing games and rides.
"So you guys may go as you please anywhere you like" rin waved a hand out to the whole place
"Ooo I want to go play the games!" Maddie was never into rides that much. They smirked and ran off
"You know what I'm gonna want to do right" I said smirking at will
"Yes I do and I'm kind of horrified" he said looking at the rides
"Come on!" I said yanking him to this ride where there are seats facing each other and swing side to side parallel to each other. We waited in line for what seemed forever. Before we knew it we were belted in to the seats.
"Are you ready will?" I said cause I noticed he looked nervous
He looked up at me slowly
"I'm will poulter I'm ready for any-"
The ride started swinging frantically side to side. We would pass each other and we were laughing hysterically.
As we got off I was dizzy and feel into will he looked down at me. Arm wrapped around my shoulder to go to another ride as we stood in line. We got to a pole that says how tall you have to be to get on the ride it was a few inches shorter than me.
"Aye gurl! You must be this tall to ride the will" he said holding his hand to my height. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Well you have to be this tall to ride the Jori" I put my hand to the height of his chest, he squats down and pecks me on the lips.
After we left the indoor amusement park with Maddie and rin, we decided to go to the Tokyo tower. It was about 9:00 so it was dark.
We drove up to the tower. It was huge! It kinda looked like the Eiffel Tower. and will looked at it sort of scared
"Hey babe are you ok?" I said grabbing his arm while we walk closer to it.
He nodded quickly
We rode up in separate elevators up to the top. Will and me in one. Rin and Maddie in the other.
As we were going up will was pressed against the back of the elevator grasping the railing around it.
"Will, seriously what's wrong?" I said standing in front of him so he was facing me.
"It's-... I-I'm just scared of heights" he said stuttering not looking me in the eyes
I made him look at me. I pulled his face to look at me. He was shaking which was kinda cute but made me feel bad.
"You'll be ok, ok? Can you trust me?" I ask him
"Yes..yes I can" he says letting go of the rail and grasping my hand tight as the door opens and shows a crowd of people. I already see that rin and Maddie are leaning on the edge of he rail. Rin is behind her, arms around her waist face in the crook of her neck looking out into the beautiful view.
I try to walk over the the ledge that's all around us but get pulled back by will still standing in the middle.
"Trust me" I say standing closer to him,grabbing both hands now.
He looked down and nodded slightly. We walked slowly to the edge and finally got there. Will looked over he edge slowly eyes closed then slowly opened one by one. "Woaaaahhhh! Oh my god! Look! Woahhj! Look at all the lights!" He was extremely amazed, it made me laugh at him.
"Yeah, isn't it beautiful" I said looking out at all the talk skyscrapers
"Yeah...its sure is" I turned to see him staring at me. Then leaned in and kissed me passionately. Even though I could tell he was stilled terrified of being up that high and this close to a ledge he let go of the rail and grabbed my fave with both hands.
"Oooooooooo" Rin and maddie said simataniusly
We both pulled apart awkwardly
"Well you too love birds, ready to go to the most popular club in Tokyo" Rin said winking arm around maddie. Me and will both said yes and we all walked back into the elevator to go down.
Will put his mouth to my ear and whispered "I don't think I'm scared of heights anymore" he said sending chills down my back and making me laugh.
he kissed the side of my cheek. I realised that I gained a fear today.
Loosing him forever.

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