Chapter 21 Sqwag Night

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The club was called ageHa. It was the most popular club to go to. I haven't been to many clubs cause I just turned 18 but in Tokyo you could drink, but I was able to control myself. Rin has a tab there so he said it was ok for us to put our drinks on that. We walked into the building to just walk out again. There was a bar inside and a huge crowd out side surrounding a small rectangular pool with soapy bubbles coming out with loud music. Will was looking off very surprised. With his mouth making out a 'woah'.
"This is where we are gonna spend most our time" rin shouted over all the loud noise "but I come here often so follow me!" He said holding maddies hand trying to make our way through the crowd. After going through all the drunk crazy parties we made it to this round VIP table. It was round with red leather seats. Yeah a little cliche but cool.
"Rin how did you get this?" Will said more in a normal noise level
"Like I said I come here often" he said while maddie gave him a confused look
"Oh not saying I come here and like flirt with people bu-" he said covering himself when maddie kissed him to cut him off
"I know what you mean you dork" he said pulling away smiling. He put his arm around her and kissed her forehead. It made my happy to know that she was happy, she really deserved it. Then a bartender came up
"May I get you guys something to drink?" He said politely
"You guys like beer?" Rin asked looking at mostly me and will, kinda figured he knew maddie does.
"Pshhh yea!" Will said excitedly, makes me laugh cause will doesn't seem like a drinker
"Yea I do" I said clearing off my laugh
"Great! Can we have 4 Asahis please" the bartender nodded then walked off inside
"What's that?" I asked confused
"It's just some really good Japanese beer" he said while the bartender quickly hurried back with the beers
I leaned into will "hey can you please not get to drunk tonight" I said whispering
"Yea of course I won't" he said opening the can. He put his arm around my waist while taking a drink.

We socialised for a little at our table. I could tell will and Rin were buzzed. Me and maddie seemed to hole ourselves together surprisingly.
"Aye aha listen to this, I have a really funny joke" Rin said as we were all still sitting "A dog walks into a bar an-"
"Hey!!! We are in a bar! Woahhhhhhhhh"will said adding in just a drunk
"Ohmygod" he looked around for a second"we are!! Anyway where was i... Oh yeah! A dog walks into a bar and hops up on a stool. He looks the bartender in the eye and says, "Hey, guess what? I can talk. Have you ever seen a talking dog before? How about a drink?"
The bartender thinks for a moment and says, "Sure, the toilet's right around the corner."
"HAHAHAHA I GET IT CAUSE HES A DOG AND DOGS DRINK PUT OF THE LOO" will said hysterically laughing with rin
"Will honey I think maybe we sh-" I said grabbing his shoulder
"LOVE! Ohmygod i love you so much so do you wanna dance with me. Your so beautiful" he said grabbing my face with both hands
"No will I told you not to get drunk an-"
"Oh I'm not drunk, I'm completely sober" he said getting up almost tripping "and if your not gonna dance with me then Rin will won't you Tim?!" Will said holding his hand out to Rin
"Of course I will will, aye I just said will will!" They both got up stumbling to the dance floor leaving just me and maddie.
"Aren't they something else" maddie says sighing
"Yes. They. Are." I said rubbing my head as we watched will and Rin dance like drunk fools on the dance floor.
"Hey do you wanna go sit at the bar inside I'm getting head ache" I said holding her forehead
"Yes please"
We both walked inside and sat at the bar and ordered another beer
"So tell me about you and Rin!" I say realising I don't know much about how they met
"Well we first met when he took me to this restaurant at his school. And i don't know, I guess I just fell in love with him you know" she said smiling down at her drink
I smiled at her "I'm glad you happy"
She looked up still smiling
"Thank you." there was an awkward silence for a second until these two guys walked up
"Hey girls, are you here alone" on skinny one said putting and arm around me
"Our boyfriends" I said shrugging his arm off
"Well I don't see them around here anywhere" the other said putting his hand on maddies thigh making her stand up
"Why don't you guys just screw off" she hollered a little loud
"cause you guys are crazy sexy" one said grabbing my chin
"We said fuck off you losers!" I yelled in his face
"I don't think so" he said grabbing my arm, the other grabbed maddies arm
"Hey she said let go!" Will said with Rin walking up they both were buzzed still but more coherent
"And who the hell do you think you are mr.famous celebrity" he said pulling me to him and kissed me rough and hard I quickly pulled away and before I knew it will punched him in the face knocked him out cold. Rin did the same to the other guy. Then security guards pushed us all out of the building.
We stumbled to the parking lot and Maddie set Rin in the car and sat in the drivers seat while Will stood there leaning on the car not getting in yet. I opened the passenger door but waited till will got in but he didn't he just stood there head sunk down.
"Will?" I said walking up next to him
"Jori this is what I'm scared about, I don't want you getting hurt" he said crying a bit
"Will you don't have to worry about me I'm go-"
"But I do Jori, because I love you and I don't what people hurting you ok?! Is that so bad?!" He said yelling, I've never heard him yell before
I stood there in silence
"I'm sorry Jori I-"
"No we should just get back to the house" I said cutting him off as I slammed the door to the passenger seat.
He slowly made his way in the car and we drove all drove back to the house and once we got back the boys passed out,
"Aye at least we weren't the ones that got us kicked out" maddie laughed
"Eh we kinda did" I said laughing as we both sat on the couch watching TV
"Hey remember the word we made up in the 8th grade when things really sucked" she said out of the blue
"Oh yea..It was....Sqwag" I said remember how weird we were, things haven't changed😂
"Haha yea well getting kicked out was Sqwag" she said laughing hysterically. All I could do was laugh cause that was all that felt right

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