chapter three nerves

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nerve recking. I was sitting in the waiting room for my time to audition. When you walked into the waiting room on the left there is a bunch of chairs filled with girls that all kinda looked like me. Light brown hair , mine had a little more blonde in it I was more of a dirty blonde, and brown eyes. (There had to be a certain description, it was in the website) Kinda creeped me out for a minute. Then on the right side was a table with some snacks and water for while you wait.
So here I the waiting room.have been waiting for atleast 2 hours.i had the scene on a piece of paper that I wanted to do.i was so nervous my legs were bouncy up and down. My palms were sweating. And I was shaking like a leaf while I was trying to drink my water.
"JORI MCCOLLEN?" A middle aged lady called me in
I stood up and almost couldn't because my legs fell asleep as I walked into the room there was a long black table with John greed at it...omg.... And the director
then their was a chair right in front of the black table with a video camera pointing at it. Guessing to record my audition.
"You may take a seat" said the director flipping through my portfolio I emailed to them
"Alrighty well my name is John and this is the director Shawn" he said with a reassuring smile
"So can you tell us why you wanted to play the role of Lindsey?"
I sat there for a minute thinking deep of why I did want to play this role so I finally said
" well, I have always loved the book. It has a great plot line and I love how each character has a completely different way of thinking"
I looked at them, they seemed kinda like yea yeah we heard this 50 times already
"And that's kinda how I am. I believe you can do anything if you put your mind to it. And I've been that way all my life. Without me thinking that way...I wouldn't even be hear today. but to answer your question correctly I want to play Lindsey because even though I know who I am.. I want to go on her journey of discovering herself. So I can maybe learn something myself."
I said that last part as sincere as possible cause it's true. I know who I am but I never knew how struggling that journey may be.
"We'll Miss.Mccollen...I'd have to say you have some guts coming in here that confident" John said straight faced then it turned into a smile "but that's what we just might need to play Lindsey"
I was shocked that he said that I was speechless
"Yeah yeah that was great but we need the scene you do to be even better" the director replied
"Oh yea I'm here let me-" I tried to pull out the scene papers I was doing then they dropped all over and lost out of order
"If you know the scene well enough you won't even need the papers" said the director saying kind of annoyed
"Um yea ok" I said worried
"Just start whenever your ready" said John with a grin leaning forward waiting patiently
I took a deep breathe looked at my shoes and closed my eyes
You can do this Jori you were made for acting show them that you don't have to go to a big acting college to be an remarkable actor
Then I opened my eyes and began...

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