chapter 11 pranksters

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As we walk into the store I look at these high shelves full of decks of card from different countries I examine them. There from all over the place, all around the world. Then I look to my left and see smaller selves with gag toys, like fake poop and barf and whoopee cushions. Hmmm...
"Do you guys have any handcuffs, like real ones " I overhear will say to the cashier
" yes we do let me get you some" the lady said walking in the back of the store
"Um I hope your little trick isn't reenacting fifty shades of grey" I said semi serious, cause I really was suspicious of why he needed handcuffs
" yup, and I have a man crush on Justin bibber" he said sarcastically
"First of all its bieber, and second of all why do you need the handcuffs anyway" I said laughing and his love for Justin
"It's a magic trick, you will see once we get back to your place"
I turned with wide eyes and scrunched me eyebrows
"What all I said was-" he stopped and realized how his wording sounded "oh gosh I'm sorry that wasn't suppose to sound like that" he says and we both laugh
Then he lady walks back with handcuffs in her hands with keys
"Here you go I think this should work out for ya, that would be $2.25 please" will gets out his wallet and pays as we walk out
"I wait one sec will I forgot something wait right here" I say and run in there really quick to get what I needed the walked out to the car with will.
Will was putting stuff in the front seat and I got in quickly, when he got in and sat down
*fart noise
He looked up at mean and pulled out from under his butt what he sat on
It was a whoopee cushion I got when I went back in.
"You little turd" he said smirking and shook his head
I was laughing cause I'm secretly a 2 year old
"I'm sorry for being so immature" I said trying to control my laughter
" ha it's ok. Do you want a piece of gum" he asked
He starts laughing hysterically "classics gum tazer!"
"Haha very funny poulter"
"I'm sorry" as he grabs my hand a kisses it, never want to wash that hand again
After a moment of silence
"Well let's get to my place and you can show me your tick Mr. Will Houdini" I said as we pull out of the parking lot and back to my place
Once we get back we take all of our bags back up to my apartment and will starts his trick
" so I found a way to escape handcuffs" he said taken them out of the package
"And I'm guessing I'm gonna have to be your test dummy" I said tilting my head
"Sort of, come here" he says opening the cuffs "come on you can trust me"
I thought, I really feel that I can trust him, so I scooted closer
"Okay so I'm gonna put your hand in one and my hand in one" he said reassuring me" and there"
"Now what" I say pretty amused
"On the count of three pull out, 1..2...3!"
We both pull but there's a problem we are stuck.
"Well that's great" I say looking at him with a excited look on my faces
"Oh well that's fun, I'll just get the key and-"he said searching his pocket then stopped with a dead look on his face.
"Will please don't tell me you forgot to have her give you the key" I says closing my eyes and putting my one loose and to my face
"Shit..." He said leaning back on the couch "but aye, atleast me and you get to have some ace and giraffe bonding time" he said cheering up
"But what if one of us has to go to the bathroom"I say hitting the brutal realization
"Then we will go and the other person has to turn away" he says laughing
"Oh god" I say giggling and his positive attitude
"So,Jori, tell me about yourself, I mean if we might be cast mates I need to know more about you. Either way, I want to" he said putting one loose hand on the side of his head leaning on the couch facing me grinning
"well not much. I have lived in Michigan my whole life. My parents got divorced when I was so young I can't even remember it. And before I lived here with Maddie, I lived in a small town in Michigan with my mom and step dad and my brother. Saw my dad occasionally on the weekends. My school days werent the best I got picked on for being really skinny, never had many friends, not popular. I guess I've always felt very lonely. I think books and acting helped me. Made me feel important and makes me feel, like I can go to another world and be somebody, something useful ya know..." I started to tear up leaving out some of the deeper details that could wait till later
"Aye ace, you know what" he pulled my chin up with his hand, and smeared my tears away with his thumb " I think your pretty special, even though I've know you for only a few days...I feel something that I've never felt with anyone else before. It's the kind of feeling that makes you feel like yourself and like you don't need to be anyone else. You make me feel something so pure...happy" he looks me into the eyes and he leans in and kisses me, it took me a second to kiss back but I did. His lips were so soft and warm. I knew that this kiss actually meant something and that's when I knew...I can't let this one go.
We both pull away
Out foreheads still touching and our eyes closed he says
"I have the key in my pocket ya know, I did the whole time"
I smiled
"I figured. Thank you will"
"Thank you Jori"
"And will there's something else"
"What is it?"
"I have to go pee can you unlock us please" I said as we both laughed and I went into the bathroom.
But I was thinking...know what....

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