Chapter 12 Maybe she is.

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flash back to 2 days ago
I've gotten to know Jori a lot more and I like her a lot. I know I said I wanted to wait cause I didn't want to rush things but it was a small lie. I didn't want to rush things but I already like her and I did want to know about her deeper history.
One time Jori went out to go out and go search for an acting management company. (She later got signed with one)
I decided to go meet up with some of my buddies dexter,chris, and ki hong while he wasn't busy with his new wife and work. Everyone one else was pretty busy or somewhere else. Especially Dylan.
We ended up meeting at Buffalo Wild Wings.
"Hey Will! Over here!" yelled dexter from across the room sitting with ki hong and Chris waiting while they have beers in there hands.
"Hey guys how's it been!" I said hugging them slightly
"Pretty great, what about you bae?" Ki hong says with a girly voice
"Oh just fabulous" I said mimicking ki hong
"So how did your audition go for.." Said Chris forgetting the name
"An Abundance of Katherine's.? Good they haven't called back though so. Well you guys know you never really know with auctions. I feel like I totally bomb them anyhow" I said making a valid point
"Ah I see. My wife actually read that book, and made me read it an-"
Ki hong couldn't finish cause dex chimed in
"Yea she "made you" read it" he said bending his pointer finger and middle finger on both hands making the look like " "
"Anyhow" ki hong said giving dex a hard look "I saw there was a girl character that Collin kisses, do you know who the lovely lady might be yet"
I was kinda nervous to tell them about Jori. But why we weren't dating I'm just staying there til I know if I got the part or not. I realized that if I didn't get the part I would go home, but I would miss Jori too much
"The character is Lindsey. But I'm not sure yet I'm thinking a rookie named Jori Ciupak might get it, she's really talented actually and..." I paused
"And..?" Chris said staring confused
"I'm kind of living with her right know, but it's because I couldn't get a hotel and...she's actually really nice and cute and funny and has a great personality" I say looking down grinning
"Ahhh lookie here boys our boy willy p is falling in love" said dexter tapping the other two boys while they both nod
"Ah ah ah. I haven't asked her out or anything yet, maybe would you guys wanna meet her in a couple days?"
"Yea we'd love too" said ki hong
"We must approve tho"
"She has to have a good sense of shoes too" dex winked knowing how will loves his shoes
"She actually does" I laugh but being completely serious
"BAM! She's already a keeper" dexter yells raising his hands over his head
I thought about it maybe she is...maybe she is.

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