cookies baked ♪

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"Can you tell me what's going on with you? Like I understand you are not feeling well and all but atleast tell me whats happening?" Yoongi asked his brother for the fifth time since morning

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"Can you tell me what's going on with you? Like I understand you are not feeling well and all but atleast tell me whats happening?" Yoongi asked his brother for the fifth time since morning.

After the call Taehyung went to his room and fell asleep while crying, those past memories suddenly replaying in front of his eyes - not just in nightmares anymore. It's been ages Taehyung has slept and woke up with a smiling face, it's either he wakes up while unconsciously crying in sleep or he whimpers the night away. It's been ages since he had a dream which he can actually call a dream, because for the last few years he has only had nightmares and sometimes Taehyung just wants to stay awake the whole night but he never really has the energy to do so.

This morning also Taehyung woke up while crying. At some point of time Yoongi joined Taehyung in his bed - thankfully after the other fell asleep - and throughout the night Taehyung whimpered in his sleep, Yoongi already knew about this so he made sure to hold his brother in his embrace to calm him down - which somewhat worked. But in the morning Taehyung suddenly woke up with a jolt, panting heavily as fat tear drops rolls down his eyes, his hands visibly shaking.
Yoongi also woke up seconds later, comforting his brother in any way he can, but he can only do so much. Yoongi knows Taehyung needs professional help - which he refuses to get in any way - or else he won't ever recover on his own. The traumatic experiences Taehyung has gone through can't be cured by just some comforting words and a hug, he needs serious help. Maybe Yoongi will try to talk to him again, maybe he'll finally agree to it as well.

Now Taehyung was just walking mutely beside Yoongi, he hasn't really talk since morning, just saying the necessary things. He knows he's probably acting like a brat but he fears he'll break down if he talks about the dream he had this morning, he can't afford to break down again, atleast not now.

"I'll tell you later. I need to go for practice now and need to talk to the coach as well, will meet you in Mrs. Park's period okay?" Taehyung finally spoke, his voice a little hoarse.

Yoongi pressed his lips in a thin line, definitely not surprised by Taehyung's behavior but again he just wanted his brother to tell him what's wrong, he wanted to know the truth.

Yoongi nodded his head in agreement and watched his brother walking away from him. He heaved out a sigh and walked towards the court, he needed to talk to the coach about their upcoming match as well.

" you like to party? Is that your thing?" Jimin asked Jungkook while the other was doodling something in his notebook.

"Never really went to one." Jungkook shrugged. It was indeed true. He didn't go to a party before, mainly because he never really had time for those and secondly because he was never really interested on wasting money on those overly expensive drinks. For him a can of beer was and still is enough.

"What? Why? Those are really fun. You're quite attractive so girls and guys will definitely throw themselves on you." Jimin said, sounding overly enthusiastic.

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