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First day of journy:

Second day of journy:

Small rabit
Third day:

Fourth day:

Fifth day:

Fat squirell
Sixth day:

Animal carcass
Seventh day:

Eight day:

Ninth day:



2nd POV

You we hungry. Your son was hungry.
But food was nowhere to be found.
You were sure that if this would continue, you would go crazy.

You had been walking through a forest where trees had no leaves for a while, odd, it's not fully autumn yet.
Anyway that wasn't your biggest concern, so you just dismised it.

You decided that you had to try again, and that here it would be the best.
There was, again, a stump. Kuu would be well hidden here between the leaves and trees, it was quite gloomy, but it still wasn't dark.
"Kuu, get in there please."
Kuu listened and went under there, his mood down from hunger, and from his mother being a little moody, also from the hunger. She would sometimes speak in a harsher tone, but she was trying her best to stay kind, and he knew that.

You didn't check for any threaths.
You just emedietly went searching for food. You were getting desprate to find food for your son and yourself, that you didn't even check if it was safe. You needed to find food before you would get really desperate and go crazy, and also weak.


You wondered around sniffing here and there, your guard not really high.
But suddenly you tensed up, there was someone here. You raised your head and saw another wolf aproaching, little catious. You were not in a position to fight, you were weakened from hunger.

1st POV

The wolf is aproaching with low cation. It is a female, probaly around my age, maybe younger.
I did not take a fighting stance, but I let her know that I won't go down easily.

"Hey, what are you doing here all alone? Where are you from?"

She is attempting a friendly conversation. She does not seem like a threat.

"Uh,.... I'm from afar...."

She seemed to brighten up about the existance of my answer. They don't seem to have many incidents, she's acting friendly, like we were neighbours. I don't really have many options right now, I still don't want her to find out about Kuu.
Looks like I'm stuck in this conversation.

"Well, my name is Mal! I live nearby!"

She answered cheerfully. She truly isn't afraid, or doesn't know why we should be enemies.


She stared jumping around and play bowing until she calmed down and a look of concern found a way to her face.

"You look troubled. Are you alright?"

I still didn't let my guard down low.
But the best way right now is to kinda play along, well, as much as a hungry and tired wolf can.

"Yeah, just haven't eaten in a few days, thats all..."

The wo- Mal was not dropping her cheerfull behavior, she on the other hand got exided.

"Well maybe I could get you fo-"

She then continued on and on about her pack thats nearby, and that they could land me some food and shelter.
That would be good, but I know nothing about her pack. Maybe they aren't that friendly, if I could just go there and get some food, but I can't just leave my son alone, and they would surely follow me if I would go back to him with the food. I still wouldn't be able to fight them off, I need atleast a day of recovery to be able to fight.
This is going to be hard...

Meanwhile with Kuu
(3rd POV)

"You there! What are you doing here?"

Two grown wolves had discovered the little pup, it is now out of its hidding spot and backing away.
He was terrified. He knew what wolves outside his family could do.
He was shaking and their words were not influencing him at all.

"Calm down! Where's your pack?"

They were aproaching him slowly, trying not to scare him, but were failling miserably.

Poor Kuu was scared out of his mind. His body still shaking violently, until he stood petrified.
He was desprate and fear clouded his thinking. He didn't even hear the wolves anymore. He got flashbacks from the day fire engulfed his home and everything he knew.

He was home alone that day, his mother had business to do. He was playing when he heard noises. He went out of the cave and heard screams of fear and agony, then he saw it, fire.
That was the first time in his life to see fire, they told him about it, that its warm and gives light, but also that it can hurt really bad.
He was just watching, everyone running around.

Then his mother jumped to him and grabed him, and with another swift jump moved away from their cave.
Then she continued to run away.

He cought a glance of the strange wolves who were in fault. He saw them only as shadows with flaming red eyes, due to the fire that was burning behind them, its flames flickering and crackling, eating his home....
(Flashback end)

He finally moved to call his mother via a howl.
He tryied his best and howled. It was quite squeaky, but hopefully loud enough for his mother to hear it.

Meanwhile with y/n

"-and I have a brother! I'm sure-"

She has been rambling for a while.
They have been just taking some steps, not mooving far. 'I should brobely do somet-" But her thoughts were interupted when a drab howl was heard from not so far away.
Even Mal stopped talking, while the mother wolf turned her head to the direction of the sound, now worried for her son.

"Kuu .."


Y/n didn't give Mal time to do anything and immediately ran to her child's aid, leaving the other she-wolf confused.

With Kuu

The howl confused the two wolves even more. They glanced at each other and back at the pup.

"What was tha-"

But he was also interupted when a/an (f/c) wolf jumped infrot of the pup in a fighting stance and growled threateningly. A quiet 'mom' escaped the pups mouth when she appeared.

The two wolves backed away a little as the she-wolf spat with venom:
"Stay away from my child."
For a couple of seconds nothing happened, but then Mal arrived.

"Silver, Micco what's going on?"

'Oh no' Thats her pack. What's gonna happen now? This could somehow work out. Mal 'knows' her, but it depends on the other wolves.
She then turned her head to the other she-wolf she has been talking with a while ago, and she noticed the little puppy that was pressed against Y/n's back leg, trying to hide.

"Wow, Y/n I didn't know you're a mother! Why didn't you tell me?"

Y/n raised her head to look at her, still keeping an eye on the intruders.
She didn't know what to say.
The two male wolves grew even more confused now.
But this was their territory, Y/n was the intruder. Maybe she was even glad that Mal came, she didn't know what the two would do.

Chapter finished.

Hello. This chapter is a little longer, which is a suprise becouse I had a little to no motivation.
Also when I forced myself to continue it, I accideltaly went out of the app and it didn't save, so, I'm suprised that it turned out the longest.

Thank you for reading!

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