Chapter Three: Two Sides at First Sight

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The next morning, the foreign tourist was lying on the couch tucked in a blanket and his head lay on the cushion, he opened his eyes, got up from the couch yawning, stretching his arms, and scratching his back with his left hand but realized that someone had taken him into their house and wondered how did he get there. While he was inside the living room in confusion and figuring out what happened last night, the foreign tourist walked around and took a look at the house, he marched to the kitchen and went inside the dining room where a table full of leftovers left for him to eat and drink. He frantically ran into the table and attacked the food and drinks one by one as he hadn't eaten and drank for days from traveling across New Mexico. Just then, Kim and Scott came up with a suitcase and traveling backpack to return to him and approached him and greeted him.

"Hello, we think this is your?" greeted Scott.

"Thanks." the foreign tourist smiled thankfully, "What is your name?" he asked, starting with Scott.

"I'm Scott, and this is Kim," said Scott.

"Hi, little boy, I'm Percival Masin, you mistake me for French people. I'm just an American." the foreign man introduced himself as Percival Masin, "I'm a foreign tourist and vlogger and I love various cultures, I want to see New Mexico and I like to speak Spanish."

"Hi, Percival. It's nice to meet you." greeted Scott, waving his hand at Percival nervously.

"I'm so sorry, I was so tired and I had no place to sleep so I stayed outside for a while until someone came up to me and took me into the house," explained Percival.

"Wow, you can vlog!" excited Kim, she realized that Percival was a vlogger who loved to travel across the world.

"Yeah, I got lost and nobody wants to take me in." chuckled Percival, rubbing his back with his hand nervously, "By the way, I love the paranormal and I was fascinated with supernatural beings, I supposed they should have existed." he also commented that he loves haunted stuff like an abandoned house.

"Wow, you love paranormal stuff!" gasped Scott surprisingly.

"Yeah, I will write my story about my adventure, and one day, my story become a book," said Percival, stating that he was going to publish his story from experiencing the haunted house but sadly there are no ghosts and spirits around, "But there are no ghosts and spirits around?" he shrugged, behind him, Granny Fernandez showed up as well.

"Hola!" greeted Granny Fernandez, waving her hand at Percival.

"Gah!" yelped Percival, but was surprised to see that the ghosts were real, "Cool! No way!" he chucked in amazement.

"Sí." nodded Granny Fernandez.

"It's cool, I was fascinated with Hispanic-Latino culture," said Percy, he is fascinated with Hispanic-Latino culture and that's why he went to New Mexico for a visit as well as eager to find a haunted place to explore. "Before I went to New Mexico, I was starting a vlog about culture and nation but my parents were against it so I secretly sought out and ran away to the airport where I travel to New Mexico," he explained.

"I see that why, may we hang out and take a tour for a while," replied Scott, suggesting that he and Kim should hang out with Percival by giving him a tour.

"Really!" excited Percival cheerfully.

"Yeah." the kids nodded, and Ryan and Sarah Anya showed up.

"This is Ryan and Sarah," said Kim.

"Hi." greeted Ryan.

"Hello, kids. I didn't know you guys," replied Percival, "Hey? Have you seen Mason?" he asked.

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