Chapter 3

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Shay really liked food. She looked over the menu before ordering, and then when she called it in, ended up getting an order of fried pickles, loaded potato skins, a large pepperoni pizza, a large sausage pizza, garlic parmesan chicken wings and then a chocolate chip cookie pie. She reasoned that it was my birthday, and we were going all out. She even found a few little candles in one of the newly unpacked kitchen drawers to put in the big cookie and then sang happy birthday to me before we ate it all. No, she couldn't sing like an angel, but I didn't care, it was still an amazingly sweet gesture.

My crush was growing, and I didn't see any way to stop it. It didn't matter that I'd only met her today, and that she was obviously going to want someone older, and that when she found out I was the school loser she would avoid me. Right now, right this very second, life was grand.

I didn't think I even wanted to try stopping the crush. Maybe it was my wishful thinking, but I honestly thought that Shay liked me too. Not in a friendship kind of way, but in a someday I want to kiss you kind of way. We spent the rest of the night watching really funny old movies like Clue and The Birdcage and stuffing ourselves with the food that had come. After the first movie was over, we put away the leftovers, with Shay promising that it would last several more days for us, as she was already assuming I'd be staying with her. She was right of course. Unless my mother started freaking out, which was unlikely, this was where I would be.

We finally fell asleep on the couch that first night watching whatever the next random movie was that Netflix recommended, and I woke up feeling joyous. I hadn't stayed at a friend's house like this in ages, and we were getting along so well already that it was almost too good to be true. Yeah, I knew things could go south, but I really hoped that Nicky wouldn't fuck up this friendship, and that Shay would still keep being close to me when her family got back. I knew there were things there that she wasn't telling me, but like she said, we all have our secrets.

We'd gotten up relatively early the next morning, and I snuck back to my house to grab a few things. One of my prized possessions was an old military duffle bag that was my grandfather's when he served in the Army in Vietnam, and it had been passed to my father, and then to me one year when I went to summer camp. I stuffed it with a week's worth of clothes, my toothbrush, hair brush, and a bathing suit, and then rode my bike back over to Shay's place so that we could have more freedom.

I returned to the house to find Shay cleaning up a mess on the stove and couldn't help but chuckle when I went to see what was up. "Do you need some help?" There were eggshells on the counter, raw eggs on the floor, and scorched ones in a skillet in the sink. Shay just hung her head and turned red.

"I was going to make breakfast for you, but I think I'm just feeding the garbage disposal at this point," she said in a sulky voice.

She was cooking for me? Was this real? "Thanks Shay, that was really sweet of you. How about I cook for you instead? I cook a lot for myself, so I'm pretty good at it if you don't mind some basic things."

She looked over at me with a frown. "Could we do it together? Maybe you could show me how? I'd like to learn so I can do it in the mornings when I'm alone too."

I snickered a little, then nodded. "I'll show you, but I kind of like being here in the morning, so maybe you won't be alone."

She just stared for a minute, and then a smile slowly spread across her face before she gave me a small nod. "I hope we can do that more in the future then."

I'd been so caught up in hanging with Shay that I'd never really looked around her house. I'd primarily stayed within the living room, kitchen and the bathroom near the stairs, and we hadn't gone anywhere else, but it was a really nice house from what I could see. I could tell it was newer than ours, because there was less wear and tear in it, though that may have been more because our house had nobody but me to look after it anymore and the previous owner here probably spruced it up for the sale. But the kitchen was really nice, with some sort of stone counter, new stainless steel appliances, and gorgeous tile on the floor. The living room had hardwood floors, and the leather sectional was as soft as a baby's butt, or so I assume. I've never touched many baby's butts.

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