Chapter 36

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We took our kissing seriously. After we enjoyed our snacks and drinks while watching The Princess Bride, we took an Uber up to Target. Yes, we could have ridden our bikes, but it was still cold and it was much faster to get the ride. We each picked up some lip balm, with mine obviously being bubblegum and Shay getting a Burt's Bees mango flavored one that I was now hungrily devouring while I straddled Shay's lap on the couch. We'd come home and gotten into comfy pajamas, and now the kissing seemed much more exciting than some hairy hobbits destroying a ring in Mordor.

We'd already watched The Fellowship of the Ring, and were supposed to be watching the second movie, but we were too busy living out our own fantasy to worry about it. Shay's hands were in my hair, and mine were on her cheeks, and I thought this was the most perfect way to spend the day. My eyes were closed in bliss, but they flew open when I felt her tongue swipe against my lips. It wasn't forced, and I knew I didn't have to let her deepen it, but I wanted to feel it. I parted my lips, and her tongue tentatively ventured into my mouth, where I met it with my own.

We moved slowly, not wanting to rush and get out of control, but just shyly probed back and forth in a little waltz that made my muscles weak and I just collapsed atop her. She felt so good underneath me, her strong muscles easily keeping me in place and our breasts pressed against each other.

And then I was reminded that there was more to Shay than the other girls in school. And judging by the size of what I felt pressed up between my legs, there was a lot more to Shay than I'd seen.

She gasped in shock, and tried to squirm away until I kissed her again and held her close. "Shhh. It's okay Shay. I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't ready to accept all of you. It's natural to get excited, and I don't mind. Is it uncomfortable for me to be on top of you like this?"

She relaxed, then closed her eyes as she turned her head. "Not uncomfortable, but it's embarrassing. Honestly, if anything, you make me feel too good. I just don't want to get carried away."

I got up on my knees, to take the pressure off her bulge, then turned to lay next to her. I kissed her cheek, then trailed little kisses back to her lips until she turned to face me again. "I'm sorry that embarrassed you." I gave her a few more kisses until I felt her relax a little more. "If it helps, I liked that reaction. Not that I want you uncomfortable or embarrassed, but I was always worried that my age wouldn't attract you. I thought you might think I was a kid, because I was so short, and too young to be serious about you."

She shook her head quickly. "I never thought that. I liked you from the moment I met you. It may surprise you to learn that I don't normally invite virtual strangers to pretty much move in with me for two weeks when I first meet them." She was grinning now, and it was my turn to be embarrassed.

"Just me, huh?" It was so nice to hear about her feelings for me, that I couldn't help smiling like a fool. "For the record, I don't spend weeks shacked up with strangers either. Just you."

"And we have all week again," she pointed out, making me smile even more. Those first two weeks had been magical, and so far this week was shaping up to be even better.

I glanced down at her crotch, noticing that she was still showing a rather prominent lump in her sweats. "And is that little beast of yours going to be rearing its head the whole week?"

She snickered at my joke, then shrugged. "Probably. It's hard to control it around you. It's a relief to have you know about it so I don't have to hide it anymore. Compression shorts aren't comfortable at all."

Eww, no, that didn't sound like something that I'd want her to wear. "You never have to worry about that near me. I'd rather have you comfortable than anything else."

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