Chapter 8 - Crawling

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She's unsure why, but she feels like she is actually being followed. Just that feeling of eyes on her, it's making her skin crawl. She looks at her phone, another 10 minutes walk before she is in the Kamino district. 

Jade - "Hey, I'm 10 minutes away according to maps. Where shall I meet you?" 

Eagerly waiting a reply with her eyes glued to the screen, she doesn't notice the directions have taken her to a shady looking part of town. Is this where he lives? Well, given his temper tantrums and his shabby look, she didn't really expect him to live in some fancy apartment.

Ding Ding

Tomura - "Send me a screenshot of your maps."

Without even thinking, she switches back to the maps on her phone, screenshots the page, and sends it straight away to him. The quicker the better, so she can be indoors and out of sight of everybody. 

Jade - "You going to meet me halfway? How romantic lol"

"Fuck sake Jade, what is wrong with you... He's going to think you're an absolute moron..." She scolds herself for sending the last message, why did she have to say that last part. He sounded pissed on the phone earlier, toying with him doesn't seem like a good idea right now. 

"Well, lookie here boys. We have ourselves a pretty little straggler." 

Turquoise eyes snap up to the slimy voice coming from in front of her. There were three men stood at the other end of the pathway. She quickly scopes her surroundings, she was too busy messaging she didn't realise she's wandered into an alleyway and the only other exit is behind her. She puts her phone into her pocket along with shoving her hands in her pockets too. Taking a deep breath, straightening her posture and taking confident steps forward towards the three men. Hopefully with her posture and fake confidence right now, it will make them back off? Yeah, that is what she is going with. If she acts weak they will take advantage. A strong confident woman with the possibility of having a super strong quirk? That should make them think twice. 

"Oi, shouldn't you be beggin' us not to hurt ya??" One of the men shouts at her.

"Fuck waitin' for her, just take her already. We will make her beg us. I've been waitin' all night for a fuck" The largest of the men starts stomping towards her, the other two follow suit behind him. 

That made her stop in her tracks, her eyes frantically searching near her for any sort of weapon she could use to fight these dickheads off. There was nothing. Every other alleyway in the world is riddled with rubbish, why did this one have to be so clean! 

"Don't you fucking dare touch me. You'll be dead before you know it, assholes." All she has are words right now. Maybe she can pretend these guys are Suki and beat the shit out of them. That should work, right? Right!?

She's in her own head with different outcomes. She doesn't notice that one of the men has appeared behind her, grabbing her arms to pin them behind her back. His head rested on her shoulder. 

"Yeah? Then why ain't I dead yet then Sweetie?" His voice whispered in her ear. It sends shivers all over her body and not the good kind. Her eyes are stuck on the biggest of the group already in front of her. She's paralysed, she can't move anything and it's not from fear, it must be one of these guys quirks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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