Chapter 3 - Found You

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"Im sorry, Sir. You are going to have to close the store for the rest of the day. There has been a high-risk Villian in this mall today. We are evacuating and doing a clean sweep of the area. Please go back to your homes where it is safe." The manager is a stubborn pig. If he can squeeze a few more minutes of staying open, for the sake of potential customers, he would. He tries to argue his case to the police officer, but it's falling on deaf ears. The police officer radios for backup to help get the manager under control.

"Fine! Fine! I expect reimbursement for closing early! You'll hear from my lawyer!" He screamed. Stomping away and kicking open the back office door, he grabs his coat and bag, throwing them both over his shoulder. His face is totally red in anger. His piercing eyes are staring holes into the police officer.

"Girls, get your things and go home. I'm going to have a few words with our friendly neighbourhood officer here."

Jade and Suki look at each other briefly, not wanting to stay around for this guy to make an absolute dick of himself. They both grab their things from the office and waltz out of the store, heading to the exit. There's so many police here. What the hell happened?

"What do you think went down? It's crazy, right!? At least the day wasn't wasted. " Suki grabs her phone out and starts typing away at the screen. "I got that guys number earlier. Remember the hot piece of muscle I was chatting to?" Suki's voice goes so high pitch when she's excited.

"Yeah? Really? Where were you when I had a weird customer this morning?" Jade snaps back, still not getting those eyes out of her head that were staring her down like a piece of meat.

Suki is too engrossed texting to even bother an argument today.

"Look, I'm sorry, but what was so weird about him? He just looked like all the other losers that come into the store. Besides, did you get a look at the face? Man, only a face a mother could love, right?" Suki is so vain. If they're not all junked up on steroids or they don't have a flashy quirk, she thinks everybody else is beneath them. Except for Jade, of course. They're both like frenemies, tearing each other to filth while still having each others back at work. Well, most of the time.

"I didn't get a good look at his face... he was giving me creepy vibes. The whole atmosphere like theres something there that you can't put your finger on. I wonder if he will come back?" Jade asked. She wasn't really looking for an answer. It was more of a rhetorical question.

"Are you serious? Of course, he will come back. It's probably the most interaction he's had with a girl, in like ever! And you're wrong, by the way, I could see how he was looking at you right after he gave me and Uru the most scariest stare! I honestly thought that he was going to kidnap me and have his wicked way with me!" Suki shuddered at the thought of that freak checking her out. Unbeknownst to her, it was quite the opposite.

"Uru?" Jade asked.

"The guy I was talking to? How could you forget him! He is soooo hot. He let me feel his biceps, and I could've orgasmed there and then. " Poor Suki, a slave for her animalistic needs. She is a lost cause whenever a 'hot' new guy enters her vision. There is no communicating humanely with her when she is fixated.

Honestly, Jade doesn't know why she even bothers with her. Yes, they work together, and its easier to get along with people at work than to make enemies. Thinking about it, she doesn't really have friends. There's a few people she plays online games with, but she's the type of person that says the headset is broken or it isn't working, just so she didn't have to talk to anybody. That's fine, though. She is happy having zero real-life friends. It's a smooth, quiet life.

Female Of The Species // Tomura Shigaraxi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now