Chapter 21

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Always In My Heart #Season2
Chapter 21
Written By Johnny Patel
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(At Greenfield High)
(In the schoolyard; Mimmi and Obinna are sitting together on a bench)

Mimi: (sighs) I'm torn.

Obinna: Why?

Mimi: I sincerely don't know what else to do, I tried to convince Vivian to tell me what exactly she did to my Dad so that I can find a way to undo it but of course, She refused to yield.My Dad couldn't return home yesterday night because he was still busy at work but I'm sure that when he comes back home today... Eventually, He's going to be worried about Vivian's whereabouts. And when we tell him that she has been detained my the police, He'll be really downcast or even worse... (she exhales worriedly)

Obinna: (chuckles) Wow Mimi, I can't believe that you're exasperated over a small situation like this when the answers are literally right in front of you.

Mimi: (baffled) How do you mean?

Obinna: You said that Vivian put your Dad under some kind of charm right?

Mimi: Well yeah, I believe so... Concerning the way he's been acting lately, I put two and two together and it all makes sense to me that it's what she did to him.

Obinna: Okay, Now you need to find a very strong pastor, A very powerful man of God that will pray for your father and liberate him from the évil and sàtanic hands of his enslaver, Who is none other than Vivian.

Mimi: (she widens her eyes in realization) I know a very powerful man of God and his name is Pastor Goodluck, My Dad and I occasionally attended his church every Sunday before Vivian came into our lives and all of that changed.

Obinna: (smiling) Good, Now you have the solution to your problems... 

Mimi: (she squints her eyes valiantly) I do!

Obinna: (checking his wristwatch) Oops! It's 2pm already, I have to go.

Mimi: (perplexed) To where?

Obinna: To Mr Idris office. He asked me to come to his office by 2pm so that he can pass an important message to me concerning our final paper which I'll deliver to you all in class later today. (he stands up from the bench) I'll see you later, Mimi.

Mimi: Okay fine

(Obinna pecks Mimi on her cheek then he steps out of the schoolyard as Mimi watches him with a wide smile on her face)

(Later on)
(In The Classroom)

Obinna: (entering into the classroom) Hey guys...

Kelly: (smiling) Hi Obinna!

Obinna: Hey Kelly. (To everyone) Uhh, Mr Idris told me to inform you all that for our final Chemistry practical exams, We'll be working in pairs. He has already assigned each and every one of us in pairs so he told me to let you guys know about it so that you can be aware of your respective partners.

Mimi: Mm. Nice decision.

Obinna: Uh-Huh! So Mimi, You're with me (Mimi smiles in satisfaction) To the rest of you... Priscilla you're with Desmond, Emeka with Kelly, Deji with Christabel, Amarachi with Michael...

Deji: (alarmed) Wait wait wait, Hold on bro, I'm with Christabel?

Obinna: Apparently

Deji: Are you sure about that?

Obinna: Yeah, That's exactly what Mr Idris passed across to me, So yes i'm sure.

Deji: (bothered) But I can't be with Christabel na

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