Chapter 24

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Always In My Heart #Season2
Chapter 24
Written By Johnny Patel
Please like before reading🙏
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(At Mr Stanley's new house; In the living room)

Mimmi: (cheerfully) Oh my stars! Our new house looks very magnificent, Dad. I love it so much!

Mr Stanley: (grins) I'm glad you do, my angel. I was able to buy it using the money I had saved up.

Mimmi: All the same, It's wonderful. We're indeed starting a new chapter in our lives

Mr Stanley: Without a doubt.

Mimmi: I'm gonna go pick my new room and start arranging it right away

Mr Stanley: You do just that, I'm going out but i'll be back in a bit!

Mimmi: No worries, Dad. At least, Lunch will be ready by the time you return. (smiling) I'll make your favorite!

Mr Stanley: Okay then. Stay safe alright!

Mimmi: Alright Dad

(Mr Stanley pecks Mimmi on her forehead before leaving the house)

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(That Afternoon)
(At Vivian's Mansion; In the kitchen)

Grace: (shocked) Hmm, I can't believe this! Madam Vivian actually used juju on Mr Stanley?

Alfred: Yes, She did.

Grace: I knew it! I was hundred percent sure of it with the way Mr Stanley was behaving towards his own biological daughter! (sighs) It's such a shame that Madam Vivian is going to lose him forever, He can't be possibly still be in l0ve with her after what she did to him.

Amaka: You think so?

Grace: Yes, Definitely! Besides, Mr Stanley and his daughter, Mimmi, have already moved out of this mansion since yesterday afternoon but you weren't around when it happened. Mr Stanley just bought a new house for himself and Mimmi, That's where they're living now and the good news is that we're always welcomed to visit them... Well, Except from Madam Vivian of course!

Alfred: Obviously.

Amaka: (sighs) Dear God, I can't believe Madam Vivian could be so wi¢ked and d£vilish to use juju to turn a father against his own child.

Alfred: I second that.

Grace: True

Alfred: Do you both know that Miss Linda tried to accomplish the same thing too with Mr Stanley but unfortunately for her, It didn't work out. She ended up going m@d and she's in a lun@tic asylum as we speak.

Grace: (scoffs) Talk about ''Plan backfired"! I really do hope Madam Vivian r0ts away in that wr€tched prison where she belongs, I don't want her to come back.

Amaka: (laughing) Same here

Grace: Anyways, I wish Mimmi and her father a happily ever after!

Amaka: So do I

Alfred: Me too.

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(At The Police Station; In Prison)

Vivian: (furiously, to herself) Argh! So Mimmi had the guts to come into this station to threaten me right? Anyways, She's still in a lose-lose situation because either way, I'm gonna get out of this d@mn prison! She should wait until I get out of here cause will I K1LL her and happily come back to face the law! B@$tard! (sighs) But I really miss my Stanley so dearly, I only hope he's faring well.

(Just then, A female police officer arrives at her cell and opens it)

Female police officer: (rudely) Madam! Come out!

Vivian: (perplexed) Huh? What's happening?

Female police officer: All the charges against you have been dropped so you're free to go back home now, And if I were you, I'd go straight to church to thank God and then turn a new leaf.

Vivian: Hmm

(Vivian gazes intently at the floor for a moment as she ponders over her words)

Female police officer: (vexed) Madam, Are you coming out or not?!

Vivian: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm coming!

(Vivian swiftly exits her cell & goes outside as the female police officer eyes her with contempt)

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(Later on)
(Outside the police station; Vivian steps out to see Mr Stanley waiting for her by his car)

Vivian: (surprised) Stanley?

Mr Stanley: (flatly) Vivian.

Vivian: (excitedly) STANLEY!!!!!

(Vivian rushes to hug Mr Stanley but he rebukes her immediately)

Vivian: (confused) Umm, What's the matter my love? Aren't you happy to see me after all this while?

Mr Stanley: (disappointed) How can I be happy to see you, Vivian? I really thought you l0ved me but I was wrong! How could you trap me with juju and turn me against my own daughter and then you expect me to be happy to see you? How does that work exactly?!

Vivian: (she widens her eyes in shock on hearing this) Huh???

Mr Stanley: Yes, That's right. You heard me.

Vivian: (sadly) You're free...

Mr Stanley: As a matter of fact, I am. Thank God for his intervention because he delivered me from the hands of the £vil one! I'm also grateful to my daughter who never gave up on me despite all that you made me do to her. Well, I should inform you that your friend, Linda, was the one behind your downfall and misfortune. She got you arrested and then tried to charm me and k1ll you afterwards, It didn't work out for her - She ran m@d! (Vivian widens her eyes in shock on hearing his) And if you are thinking about a do-over, I will have you know that it'll never EVER be possible, Thanks to a very powerful man of God who saw to it.

Vivian: (tears begin to roll down her eyes) I l0ve you, Stanley

Mr Stanley: (sighs) No, You don't. Because if truly you l0ve me, You never would've made me lose my free will. I'll have you know that Mirabel, my own daughter whom you maltreated, Is the reason why you're free now and out of jail. She dropped all the charges she had against you... Mirabel has always been a pacifist but your h@tred and £vil mind didn't allow you see that.

Vivian: (weeping profusely) Stanley please, I beg of you, Forgive me. I am truly sorry.

Mr Stanley: Well, I'm afraid it's much too late for that, Vivian.

Vivian: (despondently) But Stanley...

Mr Stanley: Anyways, Err, My daughter and I have moved out of your mansion. I was recently able to buy a new house with the money that I had saved so we'll be out of your life, For Good! Look Vivian, I am immensely grateful for everything that you've done for me in the past but you and I... We weren't meant to be okay? Goodbye!

(Mr Stanley then hops into his new car & speeds off as Vivian collapses on the bare ground as hot tears begin to flow freely down her eyes as she looks on with profound remorse and regrets)


© Johnny Patel

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