Chapter 13

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Always In My Heart #Season2
Chapter 13
Written By Johnny Patel
Please like before reading🙏🙏
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(The Next Day)
(At Greenfield High; In the classroom)

Obinna: (entering into the classroom) Hey Mimi

Mimi: Hi Obinna! (she answers him without even looking up at him)

Obinna: Wow! Are you that busy that you can't even look me in the eyes to greet me back?

Mimi: I'm sorry... (she closes her book & looks up at Obinna) I was merely jotting down some stuff for our next paper, There are some parts of the notes that's a little bit difficult for me to understand but jotting them down makes it much easier for me to apprehend.

Obinna: Mm, I could teach you later though

Mimi: (smiles) That's even better

Obinna: Yeah so anyways, Would you like to follow me back to my house today? My mom said she'd be happy if you visited again.

Mimi: For sure, Definitely! I'd be happy to follow you home. (pauses) I really need a break from all the toxicity and negativities going on around me.

Obinna: I get (he checks his wristwatch) It's almost 5pm already though, We should start getting ready to leave.

Mimi: Fine. If only I could move into your house permanently and start living with you and your mom... (she laughs)

Obinna: It might be possible actually. Besides, My mom will surely be extremely thrilled if that ever happens.

Mimi: Yeah I know, But I'm only kidding. I just can't leave my father, Even though he's been behaving strangely of late, I can't abandon him. He's still my father and I'll always love him and stand by him.

Obinna: (nodding his head) I grab. That's really commendable though

Mimi: (sighs) Yeah yeah

(The bell rings at this moment)

Obinna: (he stretches out his hand to Mimi) Shall we?

Mimi: (blushing) Yes, We shall.

(Mimi takes Obinna's hand and they both exit the school premises together)

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(Later that day)
(At Obinna's House; In the front yard)

Obinna: Good evening mama

Mimi: (smiling) Evening ma.

Obinna's mother: Welcome my children, How was school today?

Obinna: School was fine mama

Obinna's mother: Wonderful! You both should come inside.

(Mimi and Obinna both enter into the house)

Obinna: (to his mother) Don't worry mama, I'll close the door

Obinna's mother: Thank you my son

(Obinna closes the front door then he walks into the living room and relaxes on the couch)

Obinna's mother: Mimi my daughter, I've missed you a lot, You really don't know how glad I am to see your face again. I hope you're focusing well on your exams?

Mimi: Yes mama, I am.

Obinna's mother: (joyfully) Ehen! That's what I want to hear my daughter. Hold on, Let me go and heat up the Jollof rice I prepared earlier so you and Obinna can eat supper okay? There's also chilled Coca-cola which you'll use to step down the food

Mimi: (smiles) No worries ma.

(Obinna's mother slowly stands up from the couch and limps into the kitchen)

Mimi: (to Obinna) Sincerely speaking, I have never met anyone as hospitable as your mom...

Obinna's mother: (from inside the kitchen) I heard that!

(Mimi and Obinna both laugh wholeheartedly)

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(At Vivian's Mansion; Outside the house)

Vivian: (nostalgically) Goodbye Linda, I'll miss you

Linda: Me too my friend but sadly, I have to go.

Vivian: I understand. I hope you packed all of your belongings?

Linda: Yes yes, Certainly. And please, Make sure to greet Stanley for me by the time he gets back from work alright? (she winks at Vivian)

Vivian: (smiles) Of course

(Linda hops into her car)

Linda: Don't worry, We'll see later. Bye!

Vivian: Bye...

(Vivian watches Linda with a smile on her face as she starts her car & drives out of the compound)

Vivian: (to her gateman) Close the gates!

Gateman: Yes Madam...

(Just as Vivian's gateman is about to close the gates and bolt it, Mimi enters into the compound)

Gateman: Welcome home Mimi

Mimi: Thanks (To Vivian) Good evening ma.

Vivian: (furiously) Where exactly are you coming from by this time of the evening? (she checks the time on her iPhone) Imagine! It's almost 7pm!

Mimi: Oh, I'm sorry ma. I'm just returning from my best friend's house, I went to visit him.

Vivian: (irritated) Your best friend? It's even a "Him"?

Mimi: Yes ma, His name is Obinna. I'm very certain you remember him, The tall light-skinned boy that came over to your mansion a while ago, The boy whom you chased out.

Vivian: Hmm, Is that so?

Mimi: Yes ma. It's his house I went to visit cause I followed him home, That's where i'm coming back from

Vivian: Good, So go back to his house! Go back to where you're coming from!

Mimi: (puzzled) Ma?

Vivian: (furiously) Are you de@f? I SAID GO BACK TO WHERE YOU'RE COMING FROM!

Mimi: (tears begin to gather in her eyes) But ma please, It's already very late and I don't have any money on me. Please I'm sorry if I offended you by going out to a friend's place without informing you beforehand, Please I'm sincerely sorry...


Mimi: (sobbing) Vivian please

Vivian: (angrily) E be like say I dey joke with you for here...

(Vivian instantly picks up a large wooden plank & charges towards Mimi. Out of fear, Mimi speedily runs out of the house)

Vivian: (about Mimi) Stup1d f00l! Instead of her to be reading for her next exams, She's busy visiting boys. Let me see her in my house this evening... I'll skin her alive! (angrily; to her gateman) LOCK THE GATES!!!

Gateman: (pitiful) Yes Madam

(Vivian's gateman locks the gates as Vivian then pompously catwalks back into her mansion)


© Johnny Patel

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