|°CHAPTER 69°|✔️

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Aishwarya stood panting for breath in the middle of the campus and she looked around helplessly

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Aishwarya stood panting for breath in the middle of the campus and she looked around helplessly.

It's been more than 20 mins since she was roaming around like a mad woman but there was no sign of her man.
She failed to understand why Vikram's father did all this when there are 99% chance that his son could get hurt in the process.

Aishu looked for him everywhere in the college, the places she did not even know existed on this damn campus except for the chairman's Room she almost covered everything.

Her heart fucking dropped to her tummy when she found Madan in the office sitting all safe and sound but no sigh if Vikram.

As Time passed the situation on the campus was only getting worse, there was a stampede happening and Aishwarya felt helpless.

For the first time after her parent's death, she felt weak like she was going lose something precious, something so close to her heart and that did not set well with her.

Vikram was all that she had! She had finally started seeing Rainbows and it was unfair of this universe to start a storm right now.

She clutched her dupatta into a fist in her hand and started marching towards the chairman's room!

This was her final straw! Aishu did not know anything about Vikram's family fuck she did not even know his hostel room number to contact his family.

Now the only hope she saw was the chairman! She never liked this man, his vibes screamed toxic and aishu always tried her best to stay away from this man but now for Vikram, she was ready to do anything.

Knocking the door, she patiently waited for someone to open the door but getting no response from the other side she slowly placed her hand on the handle and clicked in and opened the door slowly.

"YOU FUCKING CAN NOT DO THIS! THIS IS SO WRONG!" Vikram yelled as he stood in front of the chairman.

A breath of relief washed over aishu as she saw Vikram, A smile broke on Her lips yet she stood calmly watching him fight.

This was the first time she had seen him this angry!

"Watch out your words young man! I am your Father!" The chairman said and for her, it felt like someone threw a bucket of ice water on her in December.

What was this old man bluffing? he isn't Vikram's father, right? Or is he? If yes then why did Vikram lie to her?

Aishwarya felt the ground beneath her feet was shanking which made her dizzy! Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the Vikram who was unaware of her presence.

Slowly the reality was hitting her hard and painful! Hema and Harini were right!
Vikram was not whom she knew, she had been fooled.

She felt like a laughing stock right now! Aditi's Advice felt right her entire life had been a lie.

For Aishwarya, this was her first romantic relationship and she did not want to end it like this especially when the man was Vikram whom she dreamt of sharing a future.

He lied to her, lied about his identity, about his family about his background, his place his everything.

Aishu felt her blood boiling in anger as she realised this!

She trusted Vikram blindly or to say she trusted the illusion which Vikram created blindly and that was her fault and she could not even blame anyone for that.

Her legs slowly started giving up and knocked off the door revealing herself to the father and son.

Vikram gulped looking at her there, a cream Kurtha and Maroon dupatta wrapped around her shoulders, eyes red and glossy while her face held a betrayed look.

Vikram gulped looking at her there, a cream Kurtha and Maroon dupatta wrapped around her shoulders, eyes red and glossy while her face held a betrayed look

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Here it was! Vikram's biggest fear! That look, Those eyes all his fears came alive today.

"Arya..." his voice came out as a whisper
She slowly looked at him!

She spoke not a single word yet he understood her miseries! Oh, the irony it was him who caused it all now.

"Oh here comes our lady! The one who managed to seduce my son! A bloody orphan" The chairman gritted his teeth and aishu stood trying to process

"Don't you dare utter words on her"Vikram threaten

"Of course! A low life should be called a low life what do you expect me to call her? The princess of England?" The chairman asked

Aishu stood staring at Vikram! What was happening to her? Why was she not moving? Why do her eyes refuse to leave his?

"Stop it! At least respect her as a fellow woman! Your disgusting I tell you" Vikram shouted

Aishwarya finally, slowly managed to take baby steps backwards

She started walking towards the stampede! While Vikram started following her when his father stopped him by holding his wrist, pushing him away Vikram ran behind her.

People pushing around and Vikram struggled to even stand properly.

Just when his hands were just an arm away from holding his Arya from letting go, someone pushed him and he landed on his face.

Aishwarya immediately turned back hearing him hiss! Her hands ached to help him.

A bad injury on the nose and aishu saw blood oozing out.

"ATTENTION STUDENTS AND STAFF!" the speakers around the campus screamed and the students froze hearing the voice. It was the chairman.

The police force tried to take things under control.

"Once the situation is under control! I would like to address the students but for Now, I Dismissed students from our college who were responsible for this stunt that happened today!"

A long pause and he started again, as the speakers still echoed.

"Aravind, Arjun, Dev, Aditi, Riya, Keerthana, Aishwarya and...."





Instagram id: author_rithika

Instagram id: author_rithika

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