Rise of the Fallen

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The towers are still currently stuck on the island they swam to last time after they managed to defeat the Molten titan and their ship blew up. Currently the towers have made a few shelters for them on the island so they don't have to pack together in one building (Seriously though that would be very uncomfortable). Hunter and Sniper have just gotten back with some fish they managed to find near the shore.

Hunter: Ey, We got some food!

Commander: How much?

Hunter: Some basic Trout's and a few Salmon.

Commander: Ok go ration them to the people in the shelters some of the units want to explore a cave on the island.

Sniper: Yes sir.

Sniper and Hunter gave out the fish to the towers at the shelter and they went back to Commander to see who is going to check out the cave.

Sniper: Hey boss, Who is going to explore the cave?

Commander: Scout, Minigunner, Rocketeer, and Soldier have insisted to go explore the cave even though I think its a bad idea, but there no convincing them.

Hunter: Dang.

Scout, Minigunner, Rocketeer, and Soldier were currently just preparing to explore the cave and they departed from the camp and entered the cave with some old lanterns they found in an abandoned fishers hut. The towers entered the cave and it was dark, quite, and cold.

Soldier: Hey Minigunner how do you manage to carry that gun on your back?

Minigunner: I listened to Andrew Tate's advice and got strong.

Soldier: Massive respect for that.

Rocketeer: Yeah.

The towers heard some footsteps that coming from deeper within the cave.

Scout: What was that-

Rocketeer: Were not alone down here.

The four kept going deeper within the cave trying to find something of worth but the only interesting thing they have found thus far is just a skeleton. They were considering heading back to camp but they were craving some action. Then, they some some weird a fresh looking corpse but it was slowly being covered by some black stone looking stuff.

Minigunner: What the?

Soldier: *Pokes the corpse with his rifle* He might be dead.

The corpse didn't move but the footsteps they heard were getting closer to their location and the four of them drew their weapons and then out of nowhere a human looking figure who was covered in the black stone jumped at them. Minigunner slammed it into the ground with his minigun and crushed its head with his gun but then the towers heard many more footsteps approaching.


Rocketeer: We otta dip.

The towers started fleeing but while they were running up the cave the ground broke out under them into a massive ravine with a small island in the middle of it with some weird looking portal in the middle of it and the towers fell into the water that was in the cave.

Soldier: What the hell is this?

There was no response from the others because they were confused as well but they swam up to the mini island and they got close to the portal confused.

Minigunner: So uh, who wants to go in the portal?

Scout: Ill got I guess?

Scouts stepped into the portal but then disappeared instantly with a loud crack sound and the others quickly ran into the portal. When Scout got pushed out of the other side of the portal he and the others seemed to have arrived at some massive battle field of the heights?

Rocketeer: Woah, were high in the sky!

Soldier: Yeah.

The towers proceeded with caution in the weird battlefield and then they came across many and I mean many dead armored knight looking dudes. They kept pushing on though and came across some destroyed parts of the battlefield and they saw more dead nights but they heard some breathing and they looked through the rubble and found an armored man with a sharp sword who was wounded.

Scout: Is he ok?

Minigunner: Hes alive.

The Gladiator looking dude was not doing so hot but the towers managed to wake him up somehow and he was able to awaken.

???: Wh-

Soldier: What exactly happened here- Sir?

???: Listen some weird green creatures attack the knights that were fighting by my side as we were sent by the Swordmaster.

Scout: Oh god I think he saw zombies- Anyways who are you.

???: The names Gladiator.

Rocketeer: Epic.

While the towers were trying to help Gladiator the knights that got zombified started rising and the towers drew their weapons and Gladiator got up and got his sword ready to battle. The battle was rough they had to kill many fallen knights who were just trying to fight against zombies. It was going swell then a giant looking knight that was super macular came out of nowhere and grabbed some of the battle field and threw it at the towers who managed to evade it. The brute looking thing grabbed more of the battle field still trying to kill the towers but Minigunner revved up his gun and vaporized the beast with bullets.

Soldier: That thing was a human Gladiator?

Gladiator: Never seen it in my life, So I got no clue.

Soldier: Bro you are like at least 35 and you look like you've been a gladiator for about 25 years and you have never seen that- I wont even ask any more.

The towers kept fighting the beasts until the battle field started shaking and out of nowhere appeared the massive zombified Swordmaster.

Gladiator: Oh god hes already dead.

The Swordmaster let out a massive roar and shoot the ground and sent hundreds of knights at the towers while it dueled Gladiator. Their swords were clashing and Gladiator was almost no match for the Swordmaster but he kept dueling. It was a very intense duel but Gladiator managed to jump up and shove his sword into the SwordMasters forehead Gladiator pulled his sword out and SwordMaster fell into the abyss below the heights.

Scout: Is it dead?

Gladiator: Id hope.

The heights started to out of nowhere explode and crumble and the towers panicked and then they saw another one of those portals and they ran at it with Gladiator and they entered it and disappeared with the same loud cracking sound as before.


(Leave ideas on what Plot/Map/Ship/Character dev/anything you want to see in a later part in the comments)

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