The Eclipse. [Part 2]

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The military vehicles pulled into the city wich was now in a damaged state with zombies and eclipse soldiers roaming around it.

Commander: Ok we're here.

Scout: The city is already in ruins and it's only been like a day.

Commander: Well we are being invaded so like do they care on how long it takes for the city to get destroyed?

Scout: Good point.

The towers snuck away from the soldiers as they will go combat some of the eclipse forces the towers eventually came across the Jaxe who was guarded by some of the undead.

Sniper: So what's the plan?

Shotgunner: Don't get killed?

Sniper aimed his rifle at the Jaxe but so to shaky hands he missed his shot and it shot one of the zombies.

Jaxe: What the?

Commander: Ok change of plans charge him!

The towers ran out of their cover and started firing their weaponry and it caught Jaxe off guard but he started its attack and there were tons of close calls but Jaxe put up a fight and started to smack Shotgunner around and it picked him up and threw him into a nearby building.

Commander: Medic go check on him!

Medic: Ight

Frost blaster took a shot at Jaxe and the icicle bullet she fired cut its shoulder but did nothing else really.

FrostBlaster: Uh oh-

Jaxe was definitely pissed off not and it started beating Frost Blasted to a pulp but before it could grab its axe and chop off her head like Marie Antoinette or something a sword blocked the axe and flung it back. Jaxe looked confused but saw what he was challenged by an armored Gladiator with a sharpened sword.

Scout: Since when did Gladiator get here-

Jaxe: Finally a worthy challenge.

Jaxe picked up his axe and started to duel Gladiator but his heavy hits were definitely were a disadvantage as Gladiator was fast and had agility. Eventually Gladiator managed to stab Jaxe in the gut and it fell to the ground wheezing in pain as Gladiator then chopped its arm and head off.

Commander: Wow that was entertaining!

Gladiator: Really?

Neko Dj: Yeah you smoked him!

Gladiator: I have been practicing.

Commander: Ok well I guess the Jaxe is dead now so we got to hunt down that swamp monster now and it should pretty easy to find in the part of town it turned into well, it's swamp.

Sniper: Yeah.

Eventually the towers found the swamp where the swamp monster was in and it looked gross.

Neko Dj: I don't want to get my dress muddy!

Commander: Unless someone carries you, you wait here.

Neko Dj: On second hand, can I have piggyback ride Scout?

Scout: Fine.

The towers went through the swamp getting their clothes stained with mud and contracting 100 diseases they eventually made it to some land in the swamp.

Medic: Dear god that mud was thick.

Shotgunner: I still can't feel my spine-

Frost Blaster just gave Shotgunner an ice pack.

Shotgunner: Thanks.

The towers were trying to find the swamp monster but they had no luck until it just rose out of the water just for the funny.

Scout: Danm that thing smells garbage-

Sniper: It needs to wear some fresh old spice deodorant.

Medic: Fr- Smells worse than a middle school gym!

The swamp monster just looked down at the towers who had their weapons raised and at first it looked like the swamp monster wasn't going to attack them but of course the second they lowered their weapons a little the swamp monster started beating up Sniper and Gladiator but Shotgunner got close to the swamp monster and shot it making it drop Sniper and Gladiator.

Shotgunner: Uh oh-

The swamp monster let out a roar as it started raising zombies and other undead creatures that seemed to be overtaken by some Fungi. Of course they were being mowed down by the towers but they were getting pushed back but then a Tommy gun shot and cleared a ton of the Fungi zombies.

Commander: CrookBoss?

CrookBoss: Yo

A few of CrookBosses guards came with him because they were still alive and joined the towers with clearing the Fungi zombies. Eventually the swamp monster killed two of the five bodyguards CrookBoss had but gladiator managed to slice off one of the swamp monsters tentacles, the monster roared in pain as it started throwing Gladiator around but with a clean sniper shot Sniper managed to take off another one of the swamp monsters arms.

Scout: For some reason this is odly easy.

CrookBoss: Yeah for some reason we're not getting beaten up as much-

Commander: Plot armor I guess-

The towers kept fighting the swamp monster and Shotgunner got some burst fires on the beast and Commander used his desert eagle to get a headshot on the swamp monster bursting its head open and leaving it dead on the ground as it seemed to start raining very hard.

Commander: Looks like we need shelter for the night-

Medic: Yeah-

The towers made a little shelter in the swamp to just chill out for the night, it was very cramped.

FrostBlaster: I can't feel my back-

Scout: Womp Womp.

The towers got out of the shelter because it was morning now but it was still dark due to the eclipse but they started looking for the Penumbra.

To be continued

(Insert suggestions for future parts and things I can fix in other parts ig)

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