The battle of the Vigilante.

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Scout woke up in his room in the house and he was confused when he heard helicopter engines, fans, and yelling outside.

Ranger: OI, guys wake up your friends came to get you!

Scout, Soldier, Minigunner, and Gladiator came downstairs to see what Ranger was really yelling about and sure enough there were some TDS styled helicopters.

Commander: We got your homing beacons signal Scout.

Scout: Epic.

Commander: Whos that?

Scout: Who?

Commander: That dude with the sword.

Soldier: That's Gladiator.

Commander: Epic.

They headed outside and saw that everyone was waiting for them (Crook Boss, Dj, Neko dj, Freezer, Hunter, Sniper, Medic, Eclipse Commander, Engineer and Mortar) and they all looked sleep deprived.

Mortar: Where's Rocketeer.

Soldier: Dead.

Mortar: Ah, well hes not the only one who is dead, remember that base that had that Maid commander?

Soldier: Yeah?

Mortar: Yeah all of her units except Pyromancer is dead and she is currently at the Forest Camp waiting for the squad.

Soldier: Nice.

Commander signaled to the towers to gather around for some epic meeting and Commander had a serious expression on his face.

Commander: Were taking to the skies and team Vigilante is nearby so were gonna split everyone up into different helicopters. So yeah Good luck to you all.

The towers split up into different groups and ill tell you who got put in what helicopters. In helicopter 1 was Engineer,
Eclipse Commander, Ranger, and Soldier got in it. In helicopter 2 was Hunter, Sniper, and Medic. In helicopter 3 was Scout, Commander, Neko dj, and Minigunner. Finally in helicopter 4 was Dj, Mortar, Gladiator, and Freezer.

Commander: Like I said good luck.

The helicopters took off into the sky and it started well but then they heard nearby fighter planes and the towers knew it was team Vigilante. There was panic and lots of gunfire and Minigunner kicked open a door on the helicopter he was on and started revving up his minigun.


Neko dj: Oh god this is chaotic ;-;

Scout: I know.

Neko dj: I'm just scared for my brother man :(

Scout: I know but uh lets just hope we get out of this battle alive first then we can worry about the others.

The battle kept going on and there was many yells and Helicopter 4 was being chased by many of the Vigilante attack planes and Helicopter 3 flew next to it so Minigunner can start shooting at the attack jets. The towers from Helicopter 3 saw one of the doors fly off of Helicopter 4.

Mortar: Guys help us!

Minigunner: What do we do!

Mortar: Our Choppa is going down and I found some cable, can we throw it to your Helicopter so we can try to climb across or get vaporized by bullets?

Minigunner: Okay!

Mortar threw the cable across the gap and Minigunner caught it and tied it to a part of the Helicopter and Gladiator climbed across first safely and Mortar was safe too and now its Freezers turn.

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