Chapter 3 [Julie]

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That was not what I expected... I had no idea it was going to happen. How can I get into the state's most prestigious school with little effort? Is this all a dream? Someone should pinch my cheeks really hard so that I can return to reality. Because this is not just a dream.

Wait...a damn minute! It could be a scam. Is it? Or not? Damn! I desperately want this scam to be true. I have already screamed at the top of my lungs after the call ended. It must be true, or my mother will not hesitate to commit me to a mental institution.

I unplug the charger and navigate to the call history. I need to double-check that it is not a third-grade prank. Or I will assume there is a glitch in their system. I mean, there is no way you could be chosen for a full ass scholarship. And what they say? Is it completely funded? Yeah, I heard that, i guess-very clearly-really audible.

I select the call icon and go through the recent calls. I copy the number and paste it into Google.

And on the count of three-1-2-3-and... enter!

"Please don't be a scam. Please don't be a scam. Please don't be a scam." I chant these words.

"Holy shit!" I jump out of bed when my gaze meets the top of the results on the screen.

It's there. The number appears in the first column of a list of other numbers, all of which are associated with the so-called-Redwood.


"Julie! What's wrong with you?" My mother calls out to me from outside. Don't be a nuisance to your neighbors."

"Sorrryyy mooommm..."

My moment has arrived. Let's shine, Julie. Finally, I will leave this rotten place. I do not belong in the mud. Sky is where I excel.

I love you, Redwood, for spotting true talent among thousands of faces-even if this is an error, which has a zero chance of happening-I love you. I am going to give you the number one spot in my heart starting today.

Oops, I can't give you the number one spot. The Princess of Massachusetts will assassinate me for betraying him-I mean, Darion. So let's settle on the second spot. I hope it does not bruise your ego.

I should make a list of necessary things.
First, I must withdraw funds from the bank. Oh no, my account is jammed. How could I have forgotten to respond to it? W-w-w-wait... What happened to my documents. My birth certificate. My domicile.

"Please kill me, God. I do not think I am worth living." I fall on the bed with stretched hands.

I get out of bed and walk down the stairs. The final option. I don't wanna ask for help. Why this hot and cold game? First, I receive bad news. Then I get a really good one. And again, I get a bad one.

"Mom... where are my documents? Can't find them."

"Julie, it's your responsibility to keep them safe. I'm already busy with my own work." She narrows her eyes and walks in the direction of our farm house.

"Last option denied access." I release a tensed sigh.

I wonder what was going on in my head when I asked my mother to help me out. She was busy. As usual. Always. Since forever.

Damnit. I need to send resignation letters to every single place I have ever worked. So many things to do. And one week is left.

This scholarship is extremely important to me. And I'm missing the main tools to enter shit.

Damn! I still have the last--and most practical--option. I am confident that this will work correctly, and it will also save me time.

I pull my phone from the pocket of my jeans. I dial my favorite phone number. And within a minute, it gets to that person.

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