Chapter 7 [Darion]

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It has been a week since I returned to Boston. I did all the paperwork to arrive as soon as possible. I was getting an unsafe gut feeling about Julie. I was having nightmares about her in danger. That could be a sign. 

She might be in an alarming situation. And I should be here, near her. 

I talked to my Father about Redwood School. I thought it would be less suspicious If I joined it. I can't come back for no possible reason. I do have a possible reason but It might not look important to her. 

I can continue my studies there. It's an excellent school with a great background. The studies are of great calibre. So It's a good choice. Quality matters.

My first day at Redwood was mind-blowing. I adored the environment and the professors there. They sure provide great studies. Each department is adorned with related decor. It feels like different small worlds are connected over the same land.

I got busy as soon as I got in. I was a late joiner so I had to get the past papers and other left out things. For goodness sake, I got a few supportive teammates to help me with all the syllabus I couldn't possess due to being late. 

I had an important upcoming project, so I was running here and there for different sources needed for the project. I was new so I had to be working more to gain the support of my teammates. I can't be a burden on them. Also I can't make my late joining an excuse to slack off.

I worked my ass off the past few days. I thought I saw Julie while I was running errands. Maybe I was overworked and hungry too—that could be the reason I was hallucinating. 

I should have called her before coming here. She will be furious about this. I didn't call her to pick me. She always wanted to receive me at the airport, and then go to our favourite amusement park. 

She loved it every time we went there when we were little. She loved roller coasters a lot. And I was so afraid of those rides. I had acrophobia. I still do.

I only saw her from afar riding a roller coaster. 


Today I had to meet someone . He was an important person we had something business related to discuss. Although it was my Dad's work, he was busy so he sent me there. That person asked me to meet at Clown Heritage. 

I reached there at sharp 10 pm . He was already there sipping on his beer . I approached him and said 'hello.'

 We talked for half an hour while we were having a conversation, my eyes met with a beautiful girl lost in a crowd. She was wearing a sunflower dress which was knee-high . Her hair was wavy. She looked confused. 

Might be searching for someone special. Her date may be. She even called that person and didn't pick up . She roamed here and there for three minutes searching for someone or something. 

I thought she shouldn't be there so early girls should let their men wait for them for a while. It gives an adrenaline rush to us men. I didn't notice I was zone out. She was that pretty . 

My goodness, she was Julie. I was so lost I didn't recognize her. But she was indeed Julie. And she was with Ash?

I hate him. We have a bad history. 

I was already enraged finding her here. And now, Ash? I don't want to see him. Not with Julie, especially. Where did they meet? And When? How? And why? He's not supposed to be with her at any cost. 

He is a straight no. I loathe him. How did he manage to call her there? Julie can't be reckless to make such a decision. I remember her as a simple minded girl. She doesn't like complicated things and complicated people. She hates to spend money lavishly on useless stuff and matters.

Then what went wrong? When did she change so much? Was she like that already when we met? Or maybe it's because of her hormones. 

I know she's growing up. She's in late teens now. Her body and mind are evolving. She wants to explore her girly side now—might be. But still, I won't allow her to be here ever. Not before she's actually ready.

She never mentioned anything about this place to me ever. Nor did she discuss anything sexual with me. She used to discuss all the things with me. She told me first when she got her periods. She could have told me about this too. 

Then why did she hide this from me? Maybe she thinks she's mature enough to handle herself. Or she just wants to try many things. But still, she's not ready to be here. I can see. I can tell. 

I can't explain how enraged I am right now finding her in front of me. I want to scold her so badly for this. She should be asking me first before coming here. Of course I won't allow her. A sex club is a straight no. 

I ran across the people and took a grip of his collar. I was about to break his jaw. Then my eyes landed on Julie. 

She was squinting her eyes. She didn't recognize me. I viewed the empty glass in front of her. She must have had a drink before I came here. She doesn't even know how to handle liquor. I never taught her. I hadn't had a chance either. 

I claimed her existence as I rolled her into my arms. That was a risky move. It was my first time doing anything against her will. My heart exploded. 

I hugged her so hard, I could feel her body touching mine. I swallowed the air hoping it would ease my tension. It couldn't. 

I somehow managed to take her out of the mess and this place, not meant for her. She was grumpy about that. Her legs were trembling with dizziness. And she was nauseous. 

She was throwing a tantrum. She wasn't ready to leave the place. I snatched her outside despite her will. I pushed her into my car. And locked the door so she didn't escape. 

I sat beside her in the driving seat. I helped her by wearing the seat belt. I started the engine. We were going at a good speed. From time to time, I was watching her in the mirror.

She was blacked out. It was funny to me. I had this blur idea a long time ago—she would be like this when drunk. 

But she was cute like a little puppy. I wanted to take her in my arms so bad. 

It was perilous to have control of yourself when you're sitting with a haunting beautiful person. I was increasing my speed every now and then so we could reach home as soon as possible. 

I decided to take her to my penthouse. I didn't want to drop her home in this condition. Her family would make a mess. 

I asked someone to inform her mother about her stay over at one of her friends for a girly night. 

It was a good excuse. Of course it will also cause a small argument with her mother. But still it's less problematic than saying she went to a sex club with an unknown guy, got drunk, blacked out and went to a different guy's house to stay over.

We reached my location. 


A little note.

Do vote for my stories and comment a lot on your favorite paragraphs or dialogues..I need to know how I'm going. These days I'm getting less votes and  views so I'm feeling sad. (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠).

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Stay blessed and happy. ❤️

Love you all 💓

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