Chapter 17 [Julie]

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“No, we don't. We don't know each other.” He bats an eyebrow, ignoring my existence in front of his girlfriend.

What can you expect from a cocky bastard? Nothing at all.

A while ago, we were in the same car and now he's acting like we don't know each other?

If that's what you wanted, then why not?

“He’s right. We don't really know each other. His reputation is worth knowing his name.” I give him a side eye.

Vivian smiles at my answer, I let out in a hurry. Then she turns her attention toward Malcolm, “What reputation?”

I can't keep my mouth shut, ever. It's so problematic. I try now and then to have control over it. But I fail at it miserably.

I don't let him answer. I blurt out again, exactly the same way he does.

“He's famous for his arrogance.”

Vivian chuckles at hearing me. “I know that one.”

“Do you?” He raises his eyebrows, glancing at her.

His expressions are the same. He does the same thing with me. He raises his eyebrows, directing at his ego.


There's a subtle difference. I sense another feeling behind the same expression. He looks at her poetically, like she has a meaning only he can understand.

"You're displaying the enthusiasm of a devoted groupie," he remarkes, tilting his head with a hint of disdain.

“What?” I stammer, completely taken aback by his audacious remark.

“Yes. You're an admirer of my existence, you stalk me, you make efforts to find ways to have a one on one with me-

“What the hell you're-

“And there's more to it. You act like you don't care but you do. You get pissed when I don't give you attention.”

With every uttered word, he encroaches upon my personal space, a pointed finger menacingly aimed at my forehead, creating an increasingly uncomfortable proximity.

In a reflexive move, I extend my arms, eyes cast downward, and let out a resounding "Stop it!" echoing the plea of a kid who hates scolding.

“No, no, no! I'm not done yet. You do all the possible things to gain my attention by hook or crook. You know you're not hot or pretty like other girls, so you use these dirty tactics to have something with me. Because in the end, all you want is a rich guy, who is handsome, fit, intelligent and who can listen to all of your nonsense because you got some petty daddy issues but let me tell you, I ain't-”

Driven by an overwhelming wave of frustration, I unconsciously slap his face. “I hate you.” A visceral reaction to shield myself from the barrage of hurtful remarks.

“So, you do know… each other.” Vivian exhales a sigh looking at the mess we created.

“We don't.” Frustration boiling over, I blurt out my discontent and hastily dash out of the cafeteria, unable to endure the atmosphere any longer, especially with his presence looming.


I exit from the bus, at the last bus stop near to my tiny rented flat. I drag my feet to reach my destination. I'm exhausted today. It was a tough day. And Malcolm made it worse.

I almost thought he might be a nice guy when he took me to the hospital. I thought he was worried about my burns. That's why he was in a rush to treat them. He even paid for my treatment. Although, there was a small fee but still the gesture was great.

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