Chapter 10 [Malcolm]

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I hate this girl. I don't know why I get offended every time I see her. I get confused whether she's actually stupid or acting like one.

Because if she's acting to appear cute, I'll hate her even more. I despise stupid people. They get away so easily saying they don't understand anything.

I started off in a bad mood. My personal maid resigned from the job yesterday so from now on I'll have to do chores by myself. Until I get a new one.

These people are so careless nowadays. I have hired seven maids in a month and all of them left. What's wrong with them?

There's a thing called determination but I guess I can't expect it from cheap people with a middle class mind.

I woke up early as usual but there was no juice on the table and that was enough to be pissed. I had to go to the kitchen by myself to find something to drink.

I explore my refrigerator but there's no evidence of any drink there. Not even anything to eat. What exactly happened? I'm dumbfounded.

But again-can't be surprised. He must have taken everything with him.

That's what I hate about hiring these poor people for any kinda job. The moment you leave them unchecked, they'll prove you their worth. Dirty and full of trash.

My mood was elevating rapidly on a bad scale. I had to go to the market for my juice and something to calm down my hunger.

I put on a random tracksuit because I'm not selective about clothes when I'm pissed. I took my glasses with me. I can't tolerate wearing lenses just to fetch a bottle of juice.

I unlocked the door of the back seat of my car and called my driver.

He wasn't picking up the phone. It was going off. There must be something wrong. And suddenly I remembered what was wrong.

He resigned too. Recently.

I got furious. There couldn't be any bad left. It was like bad luck on top of the bad luck. What did I do wrong?

But again. I can't expect loyalty from cheap people.

I had to drive by myself. Worst morning of my life. If I get another bad act going on with me, I promise I'll kill myself.

I stopped my car near my favourite superstore. It's a digital store. There's no staff or cashier. You just pick up a product, let it scan and pay with your card.

Some people find it difficult so they avoid purchasing products from here. That's why I love it. I don't have to see people here.

Without wasting more time, I went inside. I was about to get lucky to find no one here so I could shop peacefully but I guess today is just going to be awful.

There was a girl standing in front of the refrigerator. She was taking centuries to select a drink. I hate those people who make others wait. They think the world revolves around them.

At first, she looked crazy to me. She was gazing here and there like someone was chasing her. But she doesn't even look worth pursuing. Must be hysterical.

I drew closer to her so I could ask her if she could hurry up fast. I had to go to school too. She finally took a "Crushy Grapes" drink from it.

It's not worth it. The taste is straight up sewage with a small portion of sugar mixed in it.

"I wonder what it will taste like?" she said confusingly.

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