Chapter 14 [Malcolm]

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I rush into school, taking her hand while my heart is pounding in my chest. Her face is strained with pain. She's following me like a little girl who has no clue where I'm taking her.

We pass the gateway and the security doesn't stop us. They're aware of me, my existence and all of me. They know they can't go against me. My father basically runs this school. His donations are what keeps this school going till now.

My car is near to me. I put my hand in my pocket to get the keys. My hands tremble a little when I open the door. It's not my first time giving a ride to a girl. But something feels wrong. I want to figure it out.

I guide her to the car. "Sit fast. Can't waste time."

There's an urgency in my voice and my body feels stiff. She sits in her side.. I'm seeing a discomfort on her face.

I take the charge and run the engine. She's looking at her hand with pain in her eyes. Mood isn't right. I should do something. It's all my fault.

I could have warned her early. But I spent the time staring at her when she was walking through the garden, observing those floral species.

That was quite a scene for me. She had the time enjoying the stroll. I could have guided her. But I never did. I wanted to see her peacefully. I have no idea why. But I just wanted to see. I wanted to figure out something. This might be a good reason to gaslight myself.

My engine is taking time. Maybe it's due to cold weather. I sneak a glance at her through front mirror. She's blowing at her hand. Must be hurting a lot.

Poor baby!!

"Fasten your seat belt." I demand. "You're not expecting me to do this for you, right?"

"No, why would I-" she stops in a mid of the sentence to have a close look on me. "Why are you so full of yourself?"

She's worked up again. That's what I wanted.

"Am I? Never had a think about it." A slight smirk appear at the corner of my Lip.

"Yes, you are. "

Keep doing it, sugar pop.

"I talk facts. So not my fault if it provokes you and you start questioning your stupidity." I give off a bit of a serious tone this time.

"Not your fault? Excuse me Mr. Kim, it was your fault that this happened to me." She raise her eyebrows, trying to give off an intimidating look.

Yes, keep talking. You're doing right.

"You mean your fault for being gullible not to take my warning even though I shouted two to three times to watch out. " I sigh labelling her as the foolest being.

"I can't believe how someone can be this-" she lowers her voice, stare at me through the front mirror, then talks again. "-Nevermind."

No, no, no. She put her head down. She's silent now. That's not what I wanted. I don't know what to do now. Was I too much. Maybe I went overboard. No, I speak facts always. She should know that.

The mood is awkward again. Both of us are now keeping the silence as strangers. I don't want that. Say something, sugar pop. Can't you. I want to listen you.

Do I?

What's gotten into me? I was in the lab for a long time before going to garden. Maybe I've smelt many chemicals which slowed down my thinking. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here in this situation with the girl I want to avoid at any cost.

We finally arrive at the hospital, tires screeching as I pull into the emergency entrance. The rush of adrenaline begins to subside, replaced by a gnawing anxiety.

We rush into the emergency room. The strong smell of antiseptics hit me so hard. But I'm used to it. We work with these kind of things in our lab every now and then.

But she seems to struggle. She's covering her mouth with her unwounded hand.

I tell everything to the attending doctor. Within a few minutes, he treats her burns with the anti-inflammatory cream.

He also recommends an oral med if it gets worse. I hope it doesn't.

I pay the bills with my card, and guide her back to the car.

I move in a hurry to open the door for her. But she has already pulled it. She sits there silently. I come back to my side, secure my seatbelts and key the car.

I drive in awkward hush. I don't like this situation. She's not saying anything. The mood is odd. What can I do to lighten it up?

I've tried mocking her to change the atmosphere but it didn't work. I can do nothing now except driving.

"Why did you leave that day?" Out of nowhere, I asked the damn question.

"When?" She carelessly replied.

"That day. When you collapsed at the convenience store. I took you to the hospital."

"You took me to the hospital?" She finally looks at me.

"Who else was there?" I'm surprised how can she forget that?

"I thought..."

"You thought what?" I glance at her directly for a minimum time. "Don't tell me you were fantasizing about a hot CEO mafia etc kidnapped you and took you to the hospital."

She's is silent again.

"Did you fantasize that?"

"No, no. I-"

"You really are a big fool. I wasn't wrong about you. "

"No, actually. It happened in a way-"

"In what way?" I chuckle slightly, but still giving off my cool.

"Listen to me. I can explain-"

"I bet you will. I bet." I interrupt her.

I love doing that.

"Ok whatever. I'll be shut." She contract her body into a small creature, folding her legs and hands.

"I don't want you to..." I murmur


"We are at school. Get out of my car, now."

"I'm not fond of it anyway. You don't need to be rude about that?"

She slams the door in a fury and goes straight to the second floor. I keep watching her.

It was tough sending her off. I had to do it. She rose something evil in me. And I didn't want to harm her again.


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