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When I got home, I hurried upstairs and forced myself to sleep early, I felt anxious whenever the words "dad" "date" or "Ava" came to my mind and I wasn't ready for a serious talk, the next morning when I woke up my dad was nowhere to be seen, probably working.

I had breakfast by myself, tidied up my room, painted my nails and when lunchtime came around, I went downstairs and stood in my kitchen thinking for a few seconds about what to do, then my dad texted me.

Dad: Hello daughter!

Dad: or should I say avoidant miss?

I could tell he was joking because he didn't like the tension between us, we've never had a conflict like this before, and I just know we're both feeling weird.

But I'm not in the mood for jokes, honestly.

Yn: Hello dad

Dad: I'm gonna be l8 today

Dad: Issues in court

Dad: My client's ex-wife won't let him see the kids

Dad: She's SUS

Dad: The case's taking longer than I estimated

Dad: I mean, Karens, am I right? LOL XD

I laughed, he's trying very hard I should at least give him credit.

Yn: lol

Yn: So I'll have lunch alone?

Dad: yes sadly

Dad: will u b ok?

Yn: Yes, I'll order something or maybe cook

Yn: when will you arrive?

Dad: may b at 7

I stared confused at my phone's screen, my dad has never arrived this late, not even when the case's going wrong like he says, I felt shivers down my spine thinking that maybe he was lying, but I didn't feel like investigating.

Yn: Okay

Dad: Honey

Dad: You're not mad at me, are you?

I looked at his text for a while, I wasn't mad, I was confused

Yn: I could never

Dad: We need to talk

Yn: Maybe tomorrow

Yn: There's a sleepover at Maia's house tonight

Yn: Can I go?

Dad: Ok yes

Dad: But promise me you'll call me if something's wrong

Dad: ok?

Yn: Ok

Dad: take care :D :) :P XD

Yn: :D

I locked my phone and then stared at the kitchen, my cooking sucked and I couldn't think of any recipe to do, It was as if the universe could read my mind, my phone started to ring, I looked at it and saw an incoming video call from Albert on the screen, I smiled, positioned the camera and answered, Albert was lying down while he was chewing something probably having lunch, he smiled at me.

Albert: Hello!

He muffled something with his mouth full of food.

Yn: Don't speak with your mouth full you could choke!

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