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Last night was a disaster, of course I had fun but still... Too many things happened in so little time.

After all the chaos Maia's mom came upstairs and told us to keep it quiet, then Maia went into detail about the whole conversation Jake and Mark had; apparently Mark's constantly annoyed at my relationship with Albert and he's waiting for the perfect opportunity to finally confess. Raven kept telling me not to worry about it, that Mark was an idiot and that he's not capable of doing something so terrible like ruining a relationship.

Maybe Raven was right, but I just can't look at Mark the same way after what my friends told me.

I'll just have to see how things go for now.

And about college, I didn't tell my friends about it... In fact, it's been a week and I didn't tell anyone, I'm pretty sure it wasn't possible but I got accepted in all of my applications, except in Eckerd that had no vacancies. I was confused, on one hand I was happy to have entered State with my friends and not have to move to a dorm far from my dad... But I also started thinking about my future, the truth is, even if I applied to study Mathematics and Statistic, I don't think that it is the ideal for me, not only that, but if Stanford accepted me it is because I have a good profile and perhaps, I should take advantage of it in an institution with a better caliber.

Am I being selfish?

My thoughts were consuming me as I sat down in the living room sofa, my dad wanted to have the so called "talk" with me but honestly...

I was too distracted to even panic at this point.

After a few more minutes of me staring into the void and losing my mind, my dad came around and sat down next to me, he coughed to get my attention, I looked at him.

Dad: So...

Yn: So?...

He coughed again, I chuckled.

Yn: Did you contract Covid or...?

Dad: Oh no honey! I'm just- I don't know how to start this conversation...

I thought for a second.

Yn: Maybe explaining who Ava is?...

My dad was nervous, I was as well, but I wanted to act as natural as possible to try and make this tension fly away.

After a few more seconds he took a deep breath and looked at me.

Dad: So, Ava... We uh- we met at work like... a few months, right?

I nodded

Yn: Okay?...

Dad: And we had lunch together and...

Yn: ...

Dad: We recently started dating...

I choked with my own saliva and started to cough violently, my dad patted my back as I tried to recover my breath.

Yn: What?!

Once I was fine, my dad giggled.

Dad: Yes!- Uhm...-

Yn: Why didn't you tell me?!

Dad: Because I knew how you'd react... I wanted you to at least meet her first!

Yn: Yes, and I did! Early in the morning while she was trashing around our kitchen!

Dad: She's very nice Yn...

Yn: Nice?

Dad: Yes! C'mon honey just give her a chance...

Yn: But-

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