Becoming one |27.5|

961 28 3

3rd person POV

|1| The spring swished with the breeze as the leaves floated on top. Smooth rocks lined the bottom of the barely 5-foot-deep spring.

|2| The spring bath was a cultural practice for years In the coral moon pack. It was tailored for Omega to help them through heat and mating now it's being revised again with the two.

|3| As they entered the spring, a burning sensation started on their necks. Elio hissed as he rubbed the area gently. Ren was relaxed as his muscles relaxed, allowing him to rest as the heat pains lightened a bit.

|4| Elio stared glanced at Ren then smirked. "You seem to be enjoying yourself." Ren smiled with a small giggle. "It's warm and tingly," Ren mumbled as his cheek lay on the wet rock, squishing the side of his face.

|5| Ren was sitting on one of the big rocks next to the edge of the spring. This was the first time being in the spring for both of them so the sensation was a little strange.

|6| Elio flicked some of the spring water into Ren's face. Ren hummed in annoyance as he covered his face and closed his eyes. Elio found this amusing.

|7| Elio decided to sit on the rock next to Ren's and then placed his head on Ren's shoulder, closing his eyes aswell. The two sat their in silence, completely relaxed as they felt little stings on their necks. Ren's position soon changed to caressing Elio's hand with his own.

|8| The night was dark and quiet but comfortable. The stars were shining above them. Ren looked up trying to make shapes with the stars. Elio was basically cuddling Ren's arm as if Ren was a human heater. "Hey Elio..." Ren muttered.

|9| Elio looked up at Ren's big red eyes. Ren looked down, unsure of how he should word what he was gonna say. "Did..." Ren started which came out soft. Softer than he imagined his voice could go.

|10| "Did— Did you ever regret... Accepting me?..." Ren mumbled barely out of ear reach. Elio got a small memo on what he said. "Not really." Elio shrugged. Ren was confused by this phrase. "Not really?" Ren thought. "I mean like. By the time I accepted you, I already appreciated you and wanted to be with you so not really." Elio explained with a small smile.

|11| Though confused, Ren slowly nodded. The interaction was peaceful and calm. They talked for a bit more until the decided to get out. Elio grabbed one of the towels and tried his torso off before slipping into the blouse of the traditional wear. He continued and when he was fully dressed he yawned. It was quite late. 9:30 was the time. (A/N haha, my bedtime. Not that young, just have strict parents.)

|12| After a while of just sitting peacefully together, they decided to head back. This time, they decided to take a nice walk as the cultural grounds were only a 20-minute walk from the main house. Hand in hand, they both walked together; enjoying the time together.

~ The next morning ~

|13| Morning came by like nothing. Ren was feeling much better that morning so he decided to join everyone for breakfast. The two were tired which was a normal side effect of spiritual mating. The breakfast table was quiet today as the normally talkative Aiden was quite quiet today. Elio found it weird but decided to not pick into it much.

|14| Everyone was eating their food until Elysia squealed. "Oh my goddess!" She sprung up from her seat. The radiance was beaming off her as she noticed the marks on both Elio's and Ren's necks. Elio's hands shot up to his ears to block his mother's squealing. "You guys got marked!" She cheered as now all the attention was on Elio and Ren. Elio yawned "Yeah yeah big deal..." Elio rubbed his eyes.

|15| Everyone except for Elysia said it was too early for a formal congrats but there was a small one. Elio's mark was a simple constellation with the initials R.K.V. The constellation was a simple representation of the number 2 and pure. The constellation is what you would call in this world, Double Wave.

|16| Ren's was also a constellation but drew the shape of a clam. This represents his strength and love. Under it, were the Initial's E.E.C. "Eee! We need to celebrate this!" Elysia beamed. "Daring, please. It's too early for this." Nala groaned. Elysia gave her a pout but sat down.

|17| Elio glanced over and caught Aiden staring. Was it a look of... Envy?...


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(Hopefully it was good)

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