'A' for 'Asshole'

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This bitch.

I have 10 DAYS LEFT.


This little shit decides to show up to the Tower, and decides that he'll "make things interesting."

"Roy, what are you doing here?"

That bitch just does a stupid little smirk, the kind that probably makes Jay melt on the inside.

"What, can't I visit a little brother occasionally?"

Gritting my teeth, I go, "You (bitch) and I both know that that's not it. So, what are you doing here Speedy?


Oh ho-ho.

That definitely ruffled his feathers.

"Normally, I'd stay out of this little bet of yours, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks."

Jay, I swear to-

"Jay gave you the puppy eyes, didn't he?"

Sighing, the fucking traitor goes,
"One, he hates that nickname-"

"I know. That's why I use it."

"-And two, yes, yes he did. You've trained them all too well."

I'm so proud of my family. The justice league, and also villains, have been seen crumbling pathetically to the "Help, I'm just a poor, little bird" eyes (tm).

But Jay's still an asshole, though.

"Wait, since when did Rob do puppy eyes?"

Ahh, Cyborg.

Poor, poor Cyborg.

You're about to find out.

"Wait, no, I see that look.
Don't do it, it's too powerful. They're untrained, they can't handle it."

Roy, you coward.

"What? We can totally handle what ever Rob throws at us."

Aaaaaaand "person who's just sealed his fate" of the past 5 minutes goes to.....



"I agree. Friend Rob can only throw verbal things, for his hands appear to be too small for anything else."

"Ohh, they're screwed, aren't they?
Bb, Star, you two just sealed your fates."

"Would you all shut UP? It's 7 a.m.!"

"Raven! There's still hope for you, quickly, turn around!"

"... I sense a dark presence around this room. I'm going back to sleep"

Damn right, you will.

"Yeah, I dunno how you missed the murderous aura emanating from Robin, it is literally dark smoke that gets darker and darker everytime you call 'im 'Rob'."

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