F*ck, that was hot.

223 8 40

999 words here.

I've talked about this before.

That's your only hint.

Author's P.o.v.

Normally, KF wasn't one of the only people in the mountain.

However, normally you also don't have a crush on your best friend, so...

At the moment, KF and Robin were the only people at the mountain.

As Wally quickly learned from a sticky note posted on the fridge-

(-Speaking of sticky-)

-apparently Ms. Martian is staying with her Uncle J'on for a week,

Conner is staying with Superman for some much needed bonding time,

Artemis is in Star city 'bonding with Red Arrow' (swooning over photos of their girlfriend and boyfriend, respectively,)

Zatanna was staying with Wonder Woman because her dad is kind of... possessed?

KF figured, 'sweet! A few days just with my best-friend/crush! Hopefully I don't fuck it up too badly.'

So, as a best friend would do, he sneaked up to Rob's room, but stopped when he heard...


A strange sound, let's say.

Strangely enough, the door was ajar, but oh well.

KF figured, oh, I guess he's watching p0rn, but nope.

When he turned to leave, there was a louder...


And KF turned because of his 'rely on us and you won't immediately die' instincts we're going haywire due to the thought of Rob jacking off.

He's down bad.

However, instead of there being a world-ending threat, he turned at just the right time to see his best friend call out his name while...

Imitating using a stick-shift on an old car.


Except he was shoving it up his as-

Now this had, naturally, turned Wally on.

But healthy boundaries are important, and Wally was even starting to go, 'maybe he knows another Wally?'

But no, he heard his crush call out 'KF~' as well.

But again, healthy boundaries. Maybe he could start flirting more obviously with Robin, now that he knew he had also...

affected him that way.


Lol, yeah no.

Because fate decided, 'nope, y'all need to talk.', when Wally finally relaxed himself enough to walk past-

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