'C' for 'Curse you Perry the platypus!"

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It's been a while since I've written an actual chapter...

But, thanks to Rii_The_Chair, and BlackAngle63, the choices have been answered!


So without further ado (jk)



Okay, so.

How should the relationships between the rest of the teen titans and our beloved main protagonist go?
B)TTs trust, redemption ark.

How about the relationship between our main protagonist and his family?
C) Some have no idea on what the fucks happening, some do

Relationship with the justice league?
B) Extended family that every single member of the Batclan has managed to solo (including the animals, on both sides.)
C) Extended family, they're in on the bet, as well as bets on the Batclan's relationships.

Should Rob save the rest of the Titans?
C) Eventually

And finally, relationship between our main protagonist and the villains?
A) They chill
C) They'll protect


Some questions were unanswered.

*Audience member gasps, yet is not surprised.*

*"The writing is really shitty, and so is the art."*


Anyways, for those ones, as well as the one where the two answers were conflicting, I just chose 'em myself.


Oh! Also, some of these answers will be mixed together, so you've been warned.

Anyways, here's your chapter.

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