"Was that a love spell-"

162 6 36

Author's P.o.v.

You'd think that a highly-trained team meant to specialize in stealth would be a lot more calm.

Or maybe you wouldn't.

Either way, they really aren't.

Now, Mt. Justice has seen a lot of sh¡t, but, even with Zatarra staying there for a bit, it had never seen a... special kind of magic-indused situation.

Let's rewind.


(Shut up, this chapter was too long for me to actually rewind this.)

As per usual, KF was still practically vibrating after a mission.

They had just had to drudge through a sewer trying to find a certain crocodile-themed villain from a weird universe called "Marvel."

Anyways, they were starting to go into the shower rooms, and, also like usual, Robin was very thankful for his mask and sun glasses, because he could safely steal glances at Wally without getting caught.

Unfortunately, someone had superpowers, so he wasn't completely safe.

After they all exited into the living room, they found Zatanna practicing reciting spells on the couch.

Wally being Wally, he plopped down on the couch on the side opposite to Zatanna.

However, he did it with superspeed.

When he turned around immediately to start talking to Rob, Zatanna was (understandably,) startled and blurted out the first spell she saw in her spellbook.

"!ees uoy reveohw htiw evol ni llaF"

However, as she realised what she had cast, she whipped her head around and stared in horror, only to find... the target of her spell... acting normally?

Wally just kept on chatting with Rob after blurting out a quick, "Oops, sorry Zatanna!"

She didn't understand what happened, he was looking at Robin when she cast the spell, so how...?

'Perhaps the book has an answer', she thinks to herself.

She reads the description, and it says that "To tell whether or not the spell worked, the subject of the spell will have hearts for pupils when looking at the person they fell in love with."

Robin still hadn't noticed, due to him typing something into his holo-glove.

So, she snuck around to the otherside of the couch, and decided to test this.

"Hey Wally?" She asked, "Could you turn to look at me, and then look over at Robin please?"

He raised an eyebrow at her, but did as she told, and when he looked at her, his eyes were normal.

However, when he turned and looked at Robin, his pupils instantly formed into heart shapes so dilated that you could barely see the green in his eyes.

Robin looked up at the commotion and saw the results of the test.

He got up very calmly and walked over to the spellbound, and began reading the paragraph on the heart eyes.

He looked like he deflated like an old noodle man you see at car dealerships that probably have a wife, three kids, and a mortgage.

Wally seemed perturbed by this, and zipped up to read over Rob's shoulder.

After reading the contents, he quickly zipped up to Zatanna and whispered something into her ear.

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