(Fail-) End- part 1.

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Been a while, dudes, how's it hanging?

Ça va Mal,

Ça va comme ci comme ca,

Ça va bien?


Anyways, this chapter is a bit angst-y, if you or someone you know is struggling or at risk, please call 988 or 911.

You deserve to be safe, and you matter, and so does everyone else.

Anyways, Wally's P.O.V.

After another tough mission, we returned to the Mountain only-

Uncle Barry?

Why is he so still?

Oh wait, he must've crashed and no one moved him.

But... the air is filled with the scent of blood.

I ran to his side and checked his pulse, but...

It was too late.

Dick ran to my side as I sat frozen.

Unable to comprehend how my (basically dad at this point bitch-) uncle was dead.

He noticed this and didn't even let me look at the body anymore, turning me around and wrapping us both in his cape.

I looked up and I realised that just around the corner was the rest of the Justice League, lying dead.

Including Batman.

But what stood out about Batman was...

You could see the floor broken a bit at the amount of force Batman fell with.

The snapped grappling line.

The blood and the exposed ribs.

He fell.

The rest of the team flocked-

(-heh puns-)

-to their respective mentors and quietly grieved.

But, it seemed like Robin didn't notice this.

Until he heard a soft sob escape Ms. Martian.

I don't blame her, I don't even have empath/mental powers and even I can feel he grief in this room.

I couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of emotions she must absorbing.

But at the moment, my best friend just turned and let out the saddest sound I've ever heard.

I gently guided him to Batman's side, pulling him close.

He fell to the ground on his knees, and gently touched Batman's knuckle.

"B." Was all I heard at first, but I could see so much.

I saw my best friend, my partner, leaning over the body of his dead mentor.

I saw my best friend at what might be his most broken point.

"Dad..." my best friend sobbed, clutching his father-figure's hand, "What do I even tell Jason?"

SB, who wasn't as affected by his own mentors death due to the lack of a relationship, began investigating.

He looked at Aqualad, and whispered something to him.

Aqualad seemed to gather his courage and began to project his voice.

"Ms. Martian, could you set up a mindlink please?" His voice may have been strong, but his eyes betrayed his facade.

"Of course." Ms. Martian got up as well and went over to SuperBoy while setting up the mindlink.

"Friends." AL'S voice echoed in their heads. "I understand how you feel. But we must gather so that we can figure out was has occurred and so that we may one day avenge our mentors and the rest of the JL."

I wanted to snap at him, even though I knew he was right.

And I was going to, until I heard Robin's voice.

Broken and tired.

"I'll check the cams, Wally you go and see what you can find evidence-wise."

"SuperBoy, could you go and inspect the bodies for clues as well? Ms. Martian, please go and see if you can sense any presences in the area?" AquaL added.

Dick and Kaldur's eyes met and they nodded at eachother.

Eventually, we were able to discover that Aliens had attacked the JL at Mt. Justice, and had won by a landslide.

Which, I didn't think was even possible, but here we are.

I don't think that we should stay here for too long, though.

"Hey! Can anyone hear me?" Artemis yelled into her comm.

I slapped the comm out of her hands and stomped on it before she could get another word out.

"Are you crazy? What if they can access the commlink! Hell, if they could murder the Justice League I'm sure they could hack!" I whisper-yelled.

Unfortunately, only seconds after that outburst, Robin confirmed my fears.

"KF... too late."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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